first yes zero is mobile like most bosses and high tier enemy in sekiro also large jumps and flight is not really that much of a great mobility as it dosen't really corelate much into dodging
lady butterfly littraly zooms around the room like a mad woman wolf can't only match but exeed her in mobility due to his graplin hook that allows him to not only close the distance in a few short moments as well as avoid dangerus attacks by grappling away
not sure if holograms count as an illusion but sekiro has resistense to illusions as he can
nullify illusions with Snap seeds or Lazulite Axe but ageing not sure if holograms count as illusions so don't mind this point much
second yes he is the best assasin in his universe but heres the thing most people in said universe are absolute morons/lunetics/psicopaths or sociopaths but that wouldn't matter much considering this is a balls out fight and not a who is a better assasin since ya know assasins aren't know for going at their enemies head on
and yes zeros fighting style is rather basic compared to wolfs since most we really see form him is acrobatics with impalment and basic slashes most of the time we actually see the guy while wolf has a wide verity of skills and techniques that would allow wolf to get a leg up on zeros rather basic fighting style
third yeah 17 million guns dose he have them all in his pokets? no he dosen't unless we want to give him acsess to all of them for some reasons, and who said this fight is going to have both combatants littral kilomeaters away? wolf is an upclose fighter he would close distance as fast as possible and after that its going to be a sword fight in which wolf would trounse zero via better fighting techniques, not to mention that the guy has an umbreal shild that blocks bullets preaty well. Also he can catch lighting i doubt bullets would do much as you know, he can also deflect bullets
forth you still haven't addrest the fact that wolf would have huge adventege over zero the second he ressurects as even with the hud he would still be regestered as dead and a dead man suddunly standing up wouldn't be somthing zero would expect that would give wolf an element of suprise even if zero managed to match him in skill(which he woun't) and would alow wolf to get in a hit, a fire cracker or a stab in either heavly dameging zero or disoriantating him putting him at a big disadventage, and before you bring up the hud ageing wolf can close the distence with his grapling hook before it picks him up after he gets up
fifth what do you mean he can take on multiple enemies on his level at the same time? he is one of the few low 7B in borderlands aka the top tiers he when we see cutsence(aka no gameplay mechanics interfirense) he littraly one shots most of his enemies or just guts them in one slice or stab(seen in tales from borderalands which is canon by the by) which also reminds me the times we see zero in cutsence he is only using his sword as his main weapon and not guns(not saying he dosen't use them just saying that he seems to prefer to use the sword over guns). Hell even the lower high 7C protags can one shot most enemies they face the only enemies that are on a simular levels that we face in game are bosses which zero can take on his own but i really dought that he can take a great amount of them at once
about AOEs yeah he isn't blocking them but what stops him from dodging them exactly? since you know multiple bosses in sekiro have AOEs and wolf can dodge them just fine
also both of them are masters of stealth invisibility(which wolf himself has) or not nither one of them is sneaking up on the other no matter what they really do, not to mention that he can detect invisble enemies The Folding Screen Monkeys can atest to that