As long you dont start saying "Nu huh i didnt get debunked",i will continue debating this.
.) This point is refering to POINT 1 of my blog, where i state multiple statements saying that Prana can use Reality Manipulation to reshape the "World" into one of happiness, dispair, etc.
The "Prana is supposed to be the strongest in the universe" is just ONE of the statements given in that point and was meant to give context to other feats in the blog. In that point, i argued that "World" could either refer to a planet or a universe as seen in multiple fictional verses, and since the dimensional range has been shown to be at least multi planetary in further points, POINT 1 was meant to explain how it is more likely that this is refering to a Universe instead of a planetary threat.
2.) POINT 2 was made to show that in the prophecy STATED by the movie multiple times, there is no mention that by the pahraoh returning, the effects of Prana would have been nullified or reversed. Meaning that, once Atem returned, the reversing of the effects would have been on him (Scaled to AP) and not on some kind of Prophecy hax.
the very instant he enters Yugi's body, a golden light envelops the spreading Plana and starts making it dissapear.
This could be a power of the Pharaoh´s, specially since the reversing of Prana´s effects happened FIRST and then the kids lost their powers SECOND as said by the prophecy.
If the effects weren't negated, most of the "world" would still be mostly erased in darkness right and all of the victims would be gone. Context matters for a reason.
The effects were indeed negated, but there is no indication it was on the prophecy and not on Atem himself, since he was the only one affecting the event directly, there is no one else who could have and thus, should scale directly to AP.
3.) POINT 3 Shows multiple scans of the Prana world, which has a supernatural background that does not fit planet earth at all (Which is supposed to look like ours, aside from Card Games) implying that this place is indeed
OUTSIDE EARTH and thus, should be considered
AT LEAST Multi-Planetary Range for Prana´s
Multi-Universal BFR Range
I agree with this.
It doesn't instantly mean that world was destroyed as well, it was only being erased in an unknown timeframe.
In this scan we can see Prana englufing the world. Which was previously shown to have appeared in the Prana world Minutes before.
And when Yugi is about to lose to Corrupted Aigami, we see a red cloud forming on top of it just like the duel he had with both Yugi and Kaiba.
Not only that, there's 0 evidence of the Plana world being a universe itself, so that only worsens the feat. The most you get out of this point is range, which it already had, and nothing more.
Never argued that Prana was a Universe itself, just that the range being above planetary and Diva refering to the UNIVERSE when he said Prana was the strongest, imply the 3-A rating being more accurate with what they meant with "World."
4.) POINT 4 Talks about Duel Monsters and how Prana is affected by it.
this scan we can see that one of Diva´s friend and VETERAN USER OF PRANA states that Kaiba´s new duel disk allows him to resist Prana´s dimensions, BFR and more, as it also shows to banish the Prana kids away from it, showing it negates all forms of Prana.
The fact Kaiba can be effected by the Dark Plana & losing to a power doesnt at all mean your immune to it.
Of course, this happened. BUT after he lost all of LP in a DUEL MONSTERS game against CORRUPTED DIVA. (Who also had the powers of the Millenium Ring aside from the Quantic Cube) as shown in my blog.
Diva vanishing was because of the simpliest reason: he lost and retreated.
Any proof of that? If he was retreatinghe would have said something along the lines of "I have to go." or "I will leave".
And it is dumb to BFR yourself into PRANA. The dimension where you can be destroyed by forgetting memories, why would he retreat there?
I think we can all agree this point is invalid and funded by your part.
Finally, another huge assumption made here is that all of these new Duel Disks have the same resistance when they don't at all. & Kaiba's Duel Disk is one that gives him full use of Kaiba Corps Crystal Cloud Network, giving him not only the ability to give life to all of his duel cards.
While we do not see Yugi pull Digital Cards, he can also see the same screens Kaiba could and can also infuse his cards, Dimensional or cardboard, with his spirit, just as Kaiba, not to mention Yugi refers to the Duel Disk given to him as the new one.
This would also imply any run of the mill duelist and their mother who gets their hands on these new duel disks from stores would, out of nowhere, gain the same resistances for no reason,which i s silly. So unless something better is given, only Kaiba's duel disk has the resistances.
In the final duel against Corrupted Diva, the dimension was already affecting the public and Old Duel Disk users, yet Yugi and Kaiba could duel off Corrupted Diva without being BFRed, Implying that either Yugi´s New Duel Disk also gives him resistance or that his spirit is so strong he can resist it on his own.
And not even Kaiba´s new duel disk can same him from being BFRed by him, but only as he ran out of LP, which is determined by DUEL MONSTERS Rules.
5.) This part of POINT 5 of my Blog talks about Atem´s return.
Before any of this, i will show multiple scans of the events that happen as Atem returns. (Japanese Dub)
0:25 Atem Returns. HIS Light, not the Cube´s or anything else, starts reversing the damage done by Prana.
0:33 Corrupted Diva, powered by the powers of Prana STILL LIVES even after his return. (English dub, but the sequence of events is all that matters)
2:00 The Prana Cube EXPLOTES, 1:35 seconds after the Pharaoh returned and restored the world BEFORE Negating Prana, restoring the world to what it once was and taking away the kid´s powers.
the Plana period is destroyed as its activation and vanishing is tied to his presence in the world, not power.
Debunked by the order of events and the lack of such claim in the Prophecy of such return in Point 1 of my blog.
It's stated time and time again that the Phraroh's return will recant the Plana's power.
In point 1 of my Blog, i put all of the statements about the Phraoh´s returns and if you check, you can see that none of them mention anything that they will lose their powers when he does return. Recanted means to take away, as i also posted the dictionary definition on the blog.
Atem is passively a 3-A or higher being is, for many obvious reasons, beyond ridiculous.
Debunked by the order of events and point 1 of the blog.
And defeated Dark Diva how? By making the very Plana itself go away. Thats all thats needed to stop its effects.
Wrong. One hundred percent wrong.
The world was being restored by the pharaoh´s return as sooon as he came back, and Prana was only taken away AFTER the world and DARK DIVA were already defeated as shown in POint 5 of my blog.
Afterward, the OP literally states that "world" in japanese SOMETIMES means Universes.
Do not misquote me. I said that it could mean either planet or Universe in FICTION, yes.
But it was to give context to my argument, since even the range for the dimensions are At least above Planetary, all of the quotes refering to "Planet" when saying "World" would be negated, and thus, mean Universe.
This would somehow be an actual 3-A feat, given the fact that Atem has NEVER done anything remotely close to this level before, let alone easily, this would undoubtedly be an outlier on huge proportions.
The Prana cube is far stronger than any other millenium item shown in the Manga Yugioh Verse.
I see how hypocritical youd have to be to say this would be an outlier and not complain about Dragon Ball jumping from 4-B to 3-A by Battle of Gods or Homura jumping from Tier 7 into Tier 2-A. by Rebellion. Huge feats happen, and this is no reason to simply discard said feat as an "outlier" when the entire movie is leading up for it.
Addressing this here, for the 6th time. First of all, stars being/not being present doesn't at all mean the whole universe is effected.
It implies it is also consuming Stars and galaxies and not just "the planet" like you are trying to propose, also point 2 range already disproves anything under Multi Planet in destructive scale.
Secondly, just because stars are not in the background doesn't mean we automatically assume that they were destroyed. The Plana could very well have easily covered the earth in its power and worked its way toward the city before being stopped.
In fact, since its viewed in so closely to a city, the darkness from the Plana can be very well argued to cover the area beyond the city, the sky, the planet, anything significantly less than the range of stars but still be viewed as covering "everything". Point here is, the dark plana's purpose is to cover, erase, and make a new world from the darkness, hence the conclusion on why seeing other planets and stars wouldnt be possible, destroyed or not.
This is 100% headcanon. There is no reason why diva would spare stars and other objects from Prana. This is easly contradicted by the scans of Prana also affeting the prana plane. (Why would it be covering EARTH and not the Prana planet too when it is also on its range?) Not to mention that the purple haze has been shown to BFR people and the enviorement at contact, there is no "Covering".
6.) Wrong point to post this, this point is for other Prana skills both Diva and Shadii have, so, i guess this means you agree with them, huh?
7.) This is refering to the entire blog in general, Point 7 is for extra stuff.
It was a memory of Atem that Joey had and was too strong for Diva's power to effect, which saved Joey and Joey even talks about this after he comes back. It's clearly not Atem himself or else the Plana's power would have been destroyed right at that moment.
There is no indication it was a memory of Joey´s and Joey only thanks Yugi as he comes back to the real world.
Atem in Point 5 summoned mahad to defeat Corrupted Aigami and talking to Yugi, THEN prana is taken away from the kids.
I dont want to push this point furhter since Atem appearing on memories and restoring them is unquantifiable.
But traveling to another Dimensions would be seen as a sign of
Trans-Dimensional travel.
Extra stuff:
I drop the Probability Manipualtion thing, it doesnt seem so likely now.
And as for the Deep Blue Eyes "feat", that is simple flashly game mechanic entrances done by the monster when summoned, which is literally nothing new in Yugioh.
You do' know there are profiles for Card Lore, right?
Part 1 of 2.