Not exactly the same win-cons since she don't have passive charm, but her resistances are also 8D and even more layered, she is also more haxxed, sharing her curse (age manip) I believe it's passive from what Regidian said previously, her moves crush space and the inside of her body it's a higher dimensional plane (Imaginary Number Space) which have the following effects: Existence Erasure, Deconstruction, Information Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Curse Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Causality Manipulation, Vector Manipulation, Sense Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Paralysis Inducement, Mind Manipulation.
So in principle she should stomp him, similarly she would stomp Xue Ying even if his haxs were 7D since her haxs are 8D, though it seem that he really cap at 5D, so both Kingprotea and Avenger stomp him.