Okay, that's too headcanon for just one comment, i'll answer everything, cuz have some false acusations just by me answering a point that you have discuss and pointing every time.
1st point.) Their origins are not unknown. This is established in both the light novel i use, and in the Episode G Manga.
This is also spoken in hypermyth. In hypermyth says nothing about their origin, just says about a world they lived and were teleported from.
But here in this initial excerpt you confirm that no one knows their origin, including in light novel, but it's not what you try to pass further down, are you trying to debunk yourself? And that's goig to be important, because in a little while i'll show how controversial you are, by simples headcanon.
All this talking about what the giants are and being Gaea's children, nothing there contradicts the hypermyth. It is actually said the same thing in hypermyth;
A guerra contra os gigantes De acordo com a mitologia grega, Gaia, deusa da terra, concebeu secretamente os Gigantes em uma caverna no norte da Grécia. A Gigantomachia foi a guerra entre estes seres e todos os deuses do Olimpo, inclusive Zeus. O mais interessante é que, no mesmo mito, o ├║ltimo dos gigantes morto foi Encélado, derrotado por Atena.
- The war against the giants: According to Greek Mythology, Gaea, goddes of earth, secretly conceived the Giants in a cave in northern Greece. Gigantomachia was the war between these beings and all the gods of Olympus, including Zeus. The interesting thing is that, in the same myth, the last of th dead giants was Enceladus, defeated by Athena.
That same excerpt you tried to accentuate by replicating what i said, totally agrees with the Greek Myth in Hypermyth, nothing changes, including Nicol still says it is according to Greek Myth;
Point 2.) Zeus, and Hades, in fact no Olympian god has any connection to them. [7]
How interesting you have cut the context of this phrase, but that doesn't exist, stop cutting the text to fit you better.
Nicol was explaining to Seiya that the Gigas were seales in a War that didn't involves Hades, Poseidon or Zeus, trying to use this with "Gigas has nothing to do with Zeus or Hades" it's very despair base on headcanon.
- Our story concerns a Holy War which this time was not linked to Hades, Poseidon or another Olympian god, but to beings in the service of an ancient evil who wanted to seize the Earth.
Again, and i'm going to make a pleonasmus to see if you understand: This does ot speak of the Gigas having no relation to Zeus or Hades, is saying that their Holy Wars takes place after all wars against Hades, Zeus, or Poseidon, and that this specific Holy War is connected to the Gigas, not to the gods.
Point 3.) The Gigas existed AFTER the big bang. [9]
Good word play to persuade the reader, to think that they existed after the big bang means that they born after the big bang. And it's here that thing i have said up there to who read this to remember, about the origin of the Gigas be unknown, and now you're debunking yourself with an ambiguous sentence.
However the gigas existed after the big bang, does not mean "Born after the big bang"
As i've shown before, the gigas existed afther the big bang in hypermyth aswell.
Point 4.) The Gigas were sealed in Tartarus by Uranus, and yes, some did manage to get out over time. its considered a SEPARATE universe altogether. This doesn't disprove Low 2-C Big Bang. For something that exist outside the time itself, it is natural for it to predate the big bang because it has no "time." [11] (will talk more about this in a paragraph below)
Very good this point 4 for what i've told before, again shows that my point continues to be validated about you ignoring the story of the novel, and going into the story of another autor to try to explain your biased point.
This thing only happens in episode G, In the novel of Gigantomachia (Hypermyth), it is said that
the Gigas were sealead between Earth (Gaea) and Tartarus by Athena.
The Light Novel follows more in line with Episode G, than the hypermyth.
No, the light novel doesn't follow episode G, it follow the hypermyth. I explain this in my previous argue, this is here (
http://saintseiyapedia.com/wiki/Saint_Seiya_Gigantomachia), no matter what you say, or the juggling, you have NO OFFICIAL INFORMATION saying that it is not base on hypermyth, but rather on episode G.
Unlike my argue, which previously showed that the Gigantomachia novel is
OFFICIALLY based on Hypermyth;
Hypermyth is a databook, and considered secondary canon by wiki standards. the Gigantomachi (can't spell it) light Novel is apart of the primary canon. The difference between the Light Novel, and the Hypermyth is that the Light Novel is an actual story while the hypermyth is a databook. the hypermyth has contradictions in it that contradict every other work in the entrierty of the franchise
Hypermyth only contradicts omega, which has nothing to do with the classic, omega itself contradicts the classic, ant yet you use it to upgrade the verse, does it?!
Hypermyth is not a databook, it is a story, which was published in a databook initially, which is even within the "ÕìÿÞíîµ£¼" version of the manga.
And the final edition came out of Cosmo Special, and was released in 2001 within the Saint Seiya Shoshu-Hen at Monthly Comic Tokumori. In the edition "Tenma Seiza Hisho-hen" is the most updated version of the hypermyth, that is version i use here.
The hypermyth is a history, at his beginning is said this "The histo of the great Holy Wars"
Also, as i said no matter if you stay in a circular reasoning all the time, and be sending to be secondary canon, according to the policies here on our Saint Seiya Page, we use hypermyth anyway.
Databooks are considered secondary canon since scans tend to contradict them [12]
"When different source materials give different versions of the same feat, and by that they contradict each other in the depiction of the feat, the primary canon takes precedence over the secondary canon." [13]
Nothing contradicted the hypermyth, which is not even a databook, but a mini-novel of the holy wars. The novel you used doesn't even contradict the hypermyth, the entire lore is based on it.
How does this disprove Low 2-C Athena Exclamation/Big bang? The Hypermyth doesn't say what this world was they were sealed in does it? The other part of the sentence is already talked above above. Also, predating the Big Bang doens't relate to anything about AP. If something predates the big bang for the verse. then your going to need to provide context on how that disproves low 2-C because we got some pretty balatant statements on low 2-C big bang, and if you think about it in a multiversal persepctive as well - If we take Saint Seiya as a Multiverse it makes perfect sense - for the big bang to be Low 2-C
They weren't sealed in a pre big bang world, they came from there, in the same way has Chronos.
I've explained this, they come the universe before the big ban only reinforces the thesis that the universes already existed before the big bang and that the big bang created only the stars of the universe, and not his space and time.
Also, your comment has no logic, and is totally wrong by its own logic, if we go to the multiversal big bang side, the big bang in your thesis would no be Low 2-C, it would be 2-A since there are infinite universes.
But that's just in your argue, and as you argued that the big bang created the multiverse, i want to see how "consistent" you'll work to have Seiya and all the others, because a multiversal big bang in Saint seiya is 2-A.
What proof do you have that this "World before the big bang" is not a separate Universe/timeline entirely? this is going to require more context, scans, and proof. This sounds pretty vague.
The story itself and in previous scans where it says that the big bang released the big will that shocked with the pieces of the world (universe) that the gigas came from, as i explained earlier.
Now, you raised the separate timeline thesis, you're the one who would prove it, not me. Don't shift the burden of proof.
I think you might have forgotten about my other supporting feats which you only seem to be focused on 1 main feat.
As some people already pointed out, i can also say that you are Cherry picking scans to find one that fits your argument the best
This comment was for exclusively the novel stuff, the other works like classic and omega, i had already made rebuttals in this thread.
And i'm the one who says that, not other people, and it's about you. As for example take out of context sentences from the novel to say that it contradicts the book that the novel is based.
I want people to know that my scans are linked (The links are in the scans) so they are sourced.
Where is text interpretation dude? I was talking in third person, i never criticized that you were not linking something and had no source. Your evidence was incomplete, they're incomplete because you take them out of context to fit better, like the case of Nicol explaining to Seiya about the Holy War after the Holy Wars of Poseidon, Hades or Zeus, which are the "holy war" of the giants.