I don't like the idea of using our own rankings to debunk that of Death Battle's.
Our rankings for characters are not definite, and they're subject to change via revision threads. Not only that, but they're made from our rules with our way of analyzing these characters. Death Battle clearly goes by different rules. And even Antvasima said that he doesn't think more than half of the wiki is entirely accurate.
That being said, there are many times that the result was so off that I cannot help but wonder if bias was thrown into it, because we never see the entirety of their research; just a summary of it. Like in Kirby vs Majin Buu; I do agree with the outcome, but both characters have been so horribly misrepresented and some of the points they bring up contradict things they've said in the past, like how the say Buu has never had to combat the speed of light, when in the past they calc'd Goku to be multiple times FTL.
But I don't like playing the "bias" card or just say "they're wanking". I prefer to provide reasons as to why I think it's biased wank/downplay, and I don't like how so many people on this wiki are so quick to arbitrarily point and call "bias".
"DB is biased towards Nintendo", which is why Pikachu totally curbstomped Blanca, charizard defeated Greymon, and why Mario and Luigi both defeated their rivals from SEGA, right?
"DB is biased against anime", which is why Guts was hopelessly defeated by Nightmare, Vegeta was slaughtered by Shadow, and why Tigerzord beat Epyon, right?
"DB is biased toward cute and cuddly characters", which is again why Pikachu beat Blanca, right?
"DB is biased towards DC", which is why Batman beat Spiderman, Deathstroke beat Deadpool, and why Lex Luthor beat Iron Man, right?