Just gonna make a few miscellaneous calc requests all at once. I have put sections I feel are important in bold, in the hopes of improving readability.
First off, although Mighty Mom & Dyno Dad have gotten calcs before....
The reason for my interest in this case, is something related to Galactimus.
You can first see Galactimus at around 7:41 into the episode, & there are a good few other shots in the episodes with buildings, hopefully useable for size comparison.
At around 7:52 , Galactimus provokes MM & DD, prompting them to fly at him. Their impact launches Galactimus to an island near the city.
While MM & DD have demonstrated considerable AP via thwarting at least 1 meteor, I feel this may be worth noting since they're launching a building-sized, armored humanoid across a considerable distance with what I'd assume is the force of their impact.
I'm sure someone else could get better screencaps, but I took some basic ones to help make events evident, for all the good it does.
https://i.imgur.com/aI1Ppfh.png https://i.imgur.com/bZChlKl.png
Please excuse the inconsistent image sizing.
I think it'd be interesting to get calc'd to see the results for MM & DD's offensive abilities, if it's quanitifiable, and, given that Galactimus survives this, his durability as well.
It may also be worth considering if MM & DD have any durability levels that could be calc'd from events that start around 8:24:
After MM & DD morph and attack, MM, as a Giant Shark, lands on DD -as a bucket of water- and after MM flees, Galactimus stomps DD into the dirt, literally burying him up to the neck in Galactimus's considerable shoeprint.
Although it's likely DD already has better durability since he gets up shortly after, possibly only stunned, & he's been able to survive visiting the surface of the sun -offscreen, but nonetheless- which gives him considerable dura already.
Next up, some stuff from a less reputable series.
At around 7:47, Klaktor is launched out of the Martian ship. Unfortunately, where the ship is this episode is unclear. And I doubt we want to try scaling his speed to the stars in the background.
Thankfully, starting at around 8:13 or so, we get a more useable scene, showing Klaktor, propelled by his... foot rockets(?) as he heads to Earth. The full arrival is not shown, sadly, but it may be useable. Hopefully it can be calc'd, though.
Continuing through the episode, at around 9:00, we see Stoat Muldoon, in his Hover Van, take off, & begin flying over the desert. At around 9:54, Stoat can be heard outside Mike's house, where the Martians have been.
Possibly an irrelevant travel speed, but I bring it up because at around 14:10, we can see the kids, the Martians, & the Martians' robot dog, Dog, flying across -presumably- the same desert at decent speeds, fast enough to catch up & pursue Stoat's van -albeit on land now- while Stoat is trying to take Klaktor to his base.
Next, at around 17:58 , with Klaktor up & running, & the Martians suited up, B-Bop A-Luna (Yellow) and Do-Wah Diddy (Red) drop Klaktor into a considerably deep hole.
Again, sadly, Klaktor's full landing isn't shown, but we get an impressive scene of the 2 Martians each closing half of the missile silo's door.
And moments later, we see an impact on the underside of the missile silo doorway halves -with the 2 Martians, in their suits, on top of them- indicating that not only did Klaktor survive the fall -if he landed- he can also fly decently fast -if the space launch speed didn't give him that already- but he also has considerable strength.
In fact, after a few more attempts, around 18:41, we can see that Klaktor manages to break open the doorway, despite the now active efforts of the 2 suited up Martians to keep him down.
Hopefully some calcs of any of Speed, Dura & AP can be obtained for Klaktor &/or any of the 3 Martians can be obtained from those.
It may also be relevant that, shortly after, Klaktor attempts to fly away from the planet, seeking to return recorded data, & the 2 Martians, presumably aided by their thrusters -"Full thrust! Push. Him. Down."- & maybe other factors, manage to push Klaktor back down to the ground, & create a small dust cloud.
Possible strength feat?
There are likely other, smaller, tech-based things to calc & evaluate & such in the episode, but perhaps those should be saved for another time.
I should note that Stoat is mentioned during this episode to have his base, or at least where he broadcasts from, in a "converted missile silo somewhere in the 'Mohabi Desert'.". Presumably here:
Also, in a different episode of the same series, at around 6:45
A considerable explosion occurs, and around 7:34, the following dialogue exchange happens:
2T Fru-T (The Blue One): "Alright, he's got us on size but how bright can he be? C'mon, he crashed his spaceship!" Humunga replies "I don't have a spaceship!" suggesting he survived the impact with little to nothing to protect him.
At around 11:28 Humunga kicks a rock to the Martians, which they react to & blast to pieces. At around 13:09 Do-Wah and B-Bop, each using a laser from one side, manage to knock over Humunga, & seemingly damage him. Possible tech AP & reactions feat?
Shortly after, all 3 Martians & Dog each use a laser to break off a considerable part of the asteroid they're fighting on.
At about 13:40, Humunga is shown to be surviving, on the broken off piece of the asteroid. Using his own rocket shoes, he manages to propel the asteroid pieces he's riding into the one the 3 Martians & Dog are on, his piece breaking apart from the impact.
The remaining asteroid changes course as a result, and Humunga has managed to get onto it.
Starting at about 15:51, the Martians have suited up. Some feats could be derived from this.
At around 16:56, Stoat accidentally fires a beam of some sort from some of his equipment. This beam had been locked on before,
& impacts with the asteroid, creating an explosion that does considerably crack the asteroid, but to quote Do-Wah Diddy: "Yeah. Too bad it's not strong enough to destroy this asteroid." 2T Fru-T then proposes "But it might be powerful enough to make a great detonator!"
At around 18:30 Do-Wah and 2T Fru-T fire beams that create restraints around Humunga, holding him temporarily despite his efforts. They deposit their "Disintegrator Cell" weaponry into the asteroid.
At about 19:06 2T Fru-T claims they only have 3 seconds, as they fly from the asteroid. Down on Earth, at the urging of the kids, Stoat fires another laser, at co-ordinates given to the kids, by the Martians.
The beam, hitting the center, destroys the asteroid, possibly with the aid of the aforementioned Disintegrator Cells, and Humunga is sent spinning off into space, holding onto a rock.
Around 20:44 The kids are in shock that the Martians returned alive, having been unable to reach them on the communicator. 2T Fru-T excusingly explains that space dust can mess up subspace transmissions.
However, it has apparently been a day, & while the Martians did take time getting something for the kids,
evidently, the Martians also survived the asteroid exploding, and returned within said timeframe of around 1 day.
Lastly, I would like to see about getting a feat calc'd for a Lazy Town character: Stingy.
....But, other characters may get slightly involved as well.
Thankfully, this seems like it will be my simplest calc request in this post.
At about 4:40 Stingy, after becoming frustrated, kicks a soccer ball. It flies towards Sportacus's airship, which is in fact visible from where Stingy, Stephanie & Ziggy are playing.
I'm sure you all can get a better shot, if & when someone calcs this.
In any case, Sportacus, presumably unaware of it coming, commands his ship to open the door.
The ball flies in, & bounces off of the wall, Sportacus ducking to dodge it both times.
"That could be trouble!" says Sportacus, who then boards his aircraft in pursuit of the rogue soccer ball, clearly a great distance from Lazy Town.
Approaching the ground, the ball manages to shake an above-ground part of Robbie's base. "What's that noise?" asks Robbie, alerted.
The soccer ball briefly flies past the crosshair sights of Robbie's periscope.
Ziggy, Stephanie and Stingy become aware of the ball, Ziggy becoming concerned it will break the trophy.
Sportacus manages to maneuver to the trophy just before the ball can impact with it.
There's probably an AP feat in there somewhere for Stingy, & maybe travel speeds for Sportacus, & possibly reaction speeds for some or all of Stingy, Ziggy, Stephanie and maybe Sportacus.
Hopefully all this is quantifiable, can get calc'd, and yields good results! Thank you very much, all, for any help & efforts with this given! I'm not very smart, nor good at calc-ing most kinds of things myself....