If u disregard the stupid "official translations" and go for the raws we actually see him being stated to be an existence that carries the whole of creation. This is by the official raws and therefore should be accepted, we presented this multiple times but it got ignored. There's also the statement of Mori being the "balance of the universe" aswell as having "Nirvana" which is a state that's grating you to be "completely free from physical restrains" by the buddhist definition
And before you say OH IT'S JUST BUDDHIST NOT GOH, Goh follows very much the same ideology, even Baek states when he
thought he attained nirvana that only he exists in the whole universe ONLY he exist, which goes hand in hand with him actually being unbound by the universe, and it's physical restraints such as space-time, NOW ofc he doesn't have it, but he have read it in a book ofc, meaning the same ideology accepts itself in the verse, because it exists so ppl actually wrote books about it, otherwise if it didn't exist the same as it does in buddhist, then they wouldn't have.
But also just shows that the creator just wants to let us know what Nirvana truly is. (even tho he did NOT achieve it).
So in short, he was stated to be above creation and all of existence, and even if you disregard the OFFICIAL raw translation (by korean people, which is stupid to do so) even the mistranslated "
power over nature" it goes hand-in-hand with creation as
@PowerToScale stated, because nature is esentialy as the definition states is all over the universe and is also the universe itself.
And another thing (last one) that could get Mori to 2-C is are these statements by Xuanzang:
These point VERY evidently to 2-C, altogether. And yes, these are
offficial translations, which matters.
"The point where time overlaps"
"Everyone who reaches nirvana comes to this place and oversees
ALL OF CREATION from here."
"You would become a true god,
free from the laws of nature"
"Will you create balance in the universe as an all-powerful spirit"
"Become a Buddha who restores balance amongst all of the universes"
Plus, disregarding these statements, Mori can already make avatars of himself into the 3D world:
And she sensed him in the past.
Just like Xuanzang can create avatars as she is from a higher plane of existence, which Satan sensed (it was Xuanzang all along that he sensed bc he came to protect Mori):
And she can interract with others, but cannot be interracted with, just like a true avatar of someone from a higher plane of existence:
Example of Xuanzang interracting with Mori.
I can't believe y'all r this ignorant, and on top of this there r possibly a lot more evidence