This is my understanding of why Mori is no longer Omnipresence.
First, i need to understand what “Omnipresence” means. According to the Vs. Battle Wiki, omnipresence is defined as "the property of being present everywhere, whenever, and nowhere at the same time."
"Why did Mori Jin initially have Omnipresence?"
This is because after Mori Jin entered Paradise, he was surrounded by golden tablets, which represent an overlapping spacetime continuum. He could observe all moments in time—past, present, and future—which implies that he existed across all these points in time.
"Why is Mori Jin's Omnipresence now are Pseudo?"
While Mori Jin exists across all points in time—past, present, and future—he isn't physically present in every points in time and in every location simultaneously. He still relies on his speed to move to specific locations at that time, and his true form remains in Paradise. Therefore, this doesn't fully qualify as true omnipresence, as he is not genuinely present at every point in time and space.
Did I understand correctly?