"You know I can see time in all directions? I see you as you are now, as you were before you were born, and as you'll be after you're dead all at once! You're an adorable baby, mate. Less charming as a corpse."
"Really gets you thinking, eh? About mortality. The long, slow march of time... the grim inevitability of death, decay, and obscurity. Phew! Glad I don't have to worry about that!"
"You know the worst thing about near-omniscience? Every time someone laughingly says, "have you heard this one?" you have to say yes. Or in my case, you have to glow and scream until they run away."
"I see many, many stairs in our future. Well, your future. No legs, remember? But don't worry—I'll be right behind you... doing very little."
"Stairs are a bit silly, eh? Why not just flip the gravity and fall up?"
"Yech. Vampires. Pays to not have a neck sometimes, eh? Blood too, I guess. 'Course if you see any antipodal math-grabbers you'll let me know, right? They'd just love to get a bite of me!"
"Your belly's rumbling. Hungry? That's one I'll never understand, mate. The drive to push plants and animals into your face-hole, grind them into paste, then store them in flesh-sack. Yech!"
"You're doing that thing where water squirts out of your skin, aren't you? Sweating, eh? Ugh. And you people think I'm weird!"
"I've got to admit, I'm a little thrown off by the aesthetic, mate. No un-paintings, less than a thousand angles, hardly any transliminal spheroids…. I don't know. I'd give it a soft "adequate."
"You know, where I'm from, warriors wield swords made of pure math. Kind of puts those crude metal weapons into perspective, eh?"
"Well, that is a prodigious statue. We don't build statues anymore where I come from. They always ended up coming to life, sneezing death-algorithms all over the place …. Trust me, it was a mess."
"Watch your step around here, mate. This arena is what we in the dimension―hopping community call a "really bad idea door."
"There's a breach here, mate. I'm seeing a bridge… or maybe a flat sideways tower people can walk on? I guess they're kind of the same thing. Only having three dimensions does make things simpler."
"Sorry. I just got distracted by all the behemoth mind-snails. It's too bad you can't see them. They're really cute. Sort of."
"You know, every stone tells a story. I mean that literally, by the way. That wall over there won't shut up about how much it hates rain."
"Fun fact—all decidous trees love accordion music. Just more proof that all trees are idiots."
"Be glad you silly face-holes can't smell colors. Ugh! That orange! It smells like... old figs fell out of an ogre's bottom."
"Do you smell something? Something smells… yellow."
This guy is a gold mine.