Created by one reality shattering into several, the assumption is that they are smaller then what they shattered from, and together make up what they shattered from.
yeah, hence why the full Prime World is 2-C as the Shatterverses are called universes both in and OUT of the show by WoG
They could easy be discirbed as universes smaller then a normal one each one 6th the size of a normal universe.
exept Sonic's Universe is infinite, so each would still be infinite in, as i said, it isn't just IN universe that they are called universes, it is out of universe as well
Simply using the word by characters that don't fully understand the situation isn't proof enough.
which is why i used the WoG of the creators of the show as well..........i even linked to you
Back to your prior assertion, your basically claiming below baseline low 2-C is still considered low 2-C, implying the floor for the tier got lower
"lower" in comparison to what? i was never given any evidence that it was ever higher to begin with
and those smaller then universal sized 4D structures are still considered low 2-C
correction, they are not smaller 4D constructs, they are full on Universes
, you apprenrly made this change yourself without adjusting the tiering system to discirbe that
no, i didn't changed anything, i simply pointed out a flaw in some profiles that was against the existing standards......which most staff agreed that it was against said standards
This dosen't make the shatter verse realitys bigger, what's considered low 2-C has just gotten smaller, as such even the shatter verse together, even if there low 2-C separatly would still be low 2-C combined as you yourself expanded the tier to include those things.
no as
1 you know i said how each Shatterspace is a full universe......yet you for some reason assume that i said otherwise here
2 the universe is infinite in size, so each "piece" which are merely 6x smaller would be infinite
and 3, multiple Low 2-C structures = a bigger, 2-C one......that is the most standard thing about tier 2
Stop with the hostile capltizitions
i am not being hostile, i am merely giving emphasis on what is important to remember, i didn't meant any hostile tone