Okay now that we've had a major fight I'd like to give some more feedback.
First off, this fight was definitely way better than the last Gilgamesh fight. More fighting, less OP, but overall more interaction in general, which is a definite plus. For the most part I was only focused on the shadow chaos, so I can only really speak on that, but finally, we eventually worked as a team and got a win (even if I had to take control and command it
The shadow chaos/four armed chaos thing was really confusing, I had two people tell me seperate things. I didn't know which chaos was who. Not sure but I think blah even told me something contrary to what he previously wrote. Anyways, it was really hard to specify who I was fighting, and where that person was. Furthermore, the idea of having two characters started out as a good idea, and it does seperate the group so we can't all mega-burst him, but in changing half of the groups location it really made it messy, and I recall having to go back and forth several times just to make sure that Griffon was with me, or that the toon wasn't talking about the chaos I was fighting. Not a terrible idea, but not the best execution.
A lot of where I start to have problems was the conclusion to the fight. The master was there all along? Cool, funny little idea having him be the dog and all, but I really did not like the Mr. Monologue that immediately followed after, followed by more mass-teleporting back to the same shitty homebase, only for him to just... give us our third soul? I don't have an issue with him giving it to us, but it just feels like a handout, from the way it was done. And that's it? Monologue, here's your third soul, lets go home? It feels dry, like it's missing something. Maybe I wanted to jump right back into more action without going to home base, maybe I wanted a more conclusive ending and purpose behind who and what Chaos was.
I also don't understand the NLF with Realm's healing. Salvation doesn't fully heal you regardless of what damage you are, that's only in-game. In reality, it should either scale off how much it fully healed a damage character (like if a character is missing a limb or has damage to that extent, and they can be fully healed by Salvation, then Salvation provides a Low-Mid instant-regen heal) or scale to his own Regenerationn (Low-Mid). I'm glad Monarch was able to recognize this to a degree when he flat out said it should not be enough to fully heal the damage he has, so kudos to that.
All in all, fight was good, transition out of fight is bland, played out, and stale, with unoriginal exposition. I'd rate the entire thing a 7/10, an improvement over the previous 6/10 Gilgamesh fight.