Actually Penny's mind comes from a ai
Penny and her personality operated under an AI before she was turned into a Human.
She was fighting back because of her soul, not mind
It appears that Penny's mind is actually based on AI rather than a human consciousness as i previously understood. This would mean that Snowzilla's memory manip ability may not work on her after all as she is not technically a living being with memories. However Snowzilla's powerful attacks and durability would still pose a significant threat to Penny, and it is possible that he could still overpower her with brute force.
Reading the quote, I don’t see why the ai part would mean everything about her is Ai. Especially since Volume 8 makes zero sense if her personality is purely mechanic 1) how did she resist going off to kill herself if her mind is 100% ai, her ai is what told her to go die, 2) why would anyone care if penny died if her personality is purely from Ai, what stops people from just making another machine with that ai (what would Pietro’s aura actually be doing if her mind comes from Ai, what life is he giving her).
Though that’s probably a discussion for either my or your wall (or a question and answer thread).
Change my vote for inconclusive right now. I’ll vote later after discussioning that.
It's possible that the quote is referring to Penny's initial creation as a robot with an AI before she was given a human soul, rather than her current state as a cyborg with both mechanical and human components. However the specifics of how her conscioussnes works are not entirely clear, and may be left somewhat vague for narrative purposes.
Regarding your points about Volume 8, it's possible that Penny's resistance to her programming was due to a combination of her AI programming and her human soul/personality. Additionally, even if her personality is derived from an AI its possible that Pietro's aura is still needed to power and sustain her cyborg body. These are all open to interpretation and speculation of course.
It's her soul fighting back, not her mind, her soul is what makes her human
I'm pretty sure a soul is different from your mind
That's correct in RWBY verse a person's "soul" is a manifestation of their aura, which is described as the manifestation of their spirit or life force. The soul is often depicted as the source of a person's personality and conscioussnes, which is seperate from their physical body and brain. Therefore while Penny's conscioussnes is based on AI, her soul or aura is what gives her a sense of self and humanity
Penny controlling her actions with her soul in and of itself means her mind and soul are a linked thing. Her personality, desires, and ability to control actions (the mind) comes from her soul (as evidence by her ai part wanting to go explode when she doesn’t want to, she actively doesn’t, and her being horrified of the prospect).
Edit: I’ll make a QnA on it. Because if Penny’s personality and desires come purely from her soul that would effect everyone in Rwby since her soul is the same as everyone else’s.
It's possible that Penny's mind and soul are linked, but it ultimately depends om how one defines and interprets those terms. In RWBY its established that the soul is the source of a persons Aura, which is a manifestation of their life force and can be used to perform various abilities. It's also suggested that the soul is connected to a persons personality and identity but its not entirely clear how much of that is directly tied to the soul versus the mind.
As for Penny, her creation involved combining a mechanical body with an Aura-based AI, which allowed her to develop a unique personality and conscioussnes. However its unclear how much of that conscioussnes is based on the AI's programming versus Penny's own soul. It's possible that her soul provides the core of her personality and desires, while the AI provides the framework for her thoughs and actions.
Ultimately the distinction between mind and soul is a philosophical one, and different interpretations may lead to different conclusions about how Penny's conscioussnes works.
I mean, even if she has her own mind it wouldnt really matter because her aura will be blocking the snow that causes the memory loss
That is a good point. Pennys aura may be able to protect her from the memory loss effect of Snowzilla's breath attack. As Aura in RWBY is shown to be able to protect individuals from various forms of harm, including physical attacks and magical powers. However, it is unclear if Penny's aura would be able to fully protect her from the memory loss effect of Snowzilla's breath attack, as the attack is shown to be very powerful and has been effective against other opponents innthe Godzilla verse. Additionally, if Snowzillanis able to physically harm Penny with his attacks it is possible that her Aura could be depleted and render her vulnerable to the memory loss effect.
It isn’t the snow though, it’s Glowing Particles. Plus they affected the pilot of a mech despite only hitting the mech, and aura specifically doesn’t block other mind altering effects (including memory manipulation).
You're correct that it's glowing particles and not snow that cause the memory loss in Snowzilla's breath attack. And you are also correct that Aura in RWBY doesn't necessarily block all mind-altering effects.
In the case of the memory loss caused from Snowzilla's breath attack, it's unclear whether Penny's aura would provide any protection. While aura can block some types of attacks, such as physical ones or some forms of energy attacks, its not a universal shield that can block all attacks.
Based on what we have seen in the show, it's possible that Penny's aura might provide some resistance to Snowzilla's memory loss breath attack, but it's not certain. It's also possible that the attack could simply bypass her aura and affect her directly.
It does though, it blocks possession
You're right that aura can block possesion, but memory manip is a different type of mind-altering effect. While possesion involves another entity taking control of someone's body. Memory manip involves altering someones memories and perception of events.
Aura is not shown to offer complete protection against all types of mind-altering effects. For example, im Volume 4, Episode 7, Weiss is affected by a Grimm that emits a powerful fear aura, despite her aura being active. Additionally im Volume 6 Episode 6, Emerald is able to use her Semblance to manipulate Jaune's perception of reality, even though he has his aura active.
Given these examples. It's reasonable to assume that Penny's aura may not completely protect her from Snowzilla's memory manip abilities.
(Sorry you all for the long text but i prefer to give all my answers in one wall instead of spamming messages. I hope it doesnt annoy you