Here it's not as clear cut, because this could be talking in a less literally and more in metaphor, as a mirror would seem to anyone to "govern" (that is to mean, contained or hold) the opposite, it is the window to an opposite world.
This seems less like dualities and more like "what if x is different", with the scan saying;
Which given the visual, seems to be describing how disorientating it is to be in a place that is "flipped" around.
Again, this doesn't seem to be talking about a duality at all, but rather a Mirror world,
which is a common trope.
This interpretation of them all being "Mirror universes" in the sense of a parallel but distinct universe comes up when another character talks about how personalities in one of the mirror worlds are "flipped", they even flat out use the phrase "parallel world";
From what has been provided I don't see Dualism represented here, I just see a Mirror universe trope, so I have to, based on the current evidence, hard disagree.