That doesn't contradict anything I said or prove yours. If you interpret it the other way at the same time, it proves that he was willing to seek vengence and shed his enemy's blood in the past, such as when he annhilated an entire Noxian army alone for the atrocity they committed in Ionia, at some point of his life. It's not a very different mindset from Akame, during his 'youth', except that he is now much older (the oldest Runeterran human in canon iirc) and experienced to stay more calm.
That doesn't mean he can't regress back to that condition during a fight when faced with someone like Akame who would seek to murder him in cold blood.
This problem is actually quite simple to solve.
XMark12, if you think Master Yi's alleged lack of 'killer instinct' gives Akame an unfair advantage in this fight, what is your opinion of using the Assassin Master Yi instead to even the playing field? : ) He should have all the skillset of his original version, except that his 'mindset' too would closely match Akame's now. Only if you use that version, of course, since you said you were willing to change things like this to make the fight more balanced.
Also... I'm sorry for going off-topic momentarily, but I am currently Season 7's one of the top globally ranking Hecarim users in the world as well. I have studied all of his skin lores extensively and would love to discuss him in another place sometime in the future. Well, pretty sure his
Worldbreaker would solo AgK so we can't discuss him here, but I'm pretty sure we'll find a good fight for him if we look around long enough. : P
You can find me here, btw.