Ok time to respond to this I guess
And vice versa. Because you love to repeat yourself.
This is bull crap but I’ve read ahead so I know you try and debunk the point I’m about to make so I’ll leave it for later
Right back at you.
Pretty much what FinePoint said tbh, there’s direct contradictions to this as well in other moves like Bone Club, and your head-canon explanations on why that evidence doesn’t work I’ll get to later
This was already countered and really it doesn’t matter. Because like I said, at the absolute worst, these clash of moves and moves negating this so called immunity by sending them to the ground makes this entire resistance remarkably inconsistent. Period.
Damning evidence my ass. Guess what Kukui, video games do not always follow logic
Not an excuse. And guess what? That can be sent right back at you. Not always following logic can also exactly mean the resistance isn’t real and is a bi-product of game mechanics in the first place.
shit like Rock and Ground being inherently different sounds a bit stupid to us, but in the Pokémon verse there is a CLEAR difference. Arguing Rock and Ground are the same thing massacres the whole point of typings in Pokémon, also Arceus plates etc. etc. are in lore explanations as well.
This doesn’t answer the actual question. Why should we as a site consider these separate types just because Pokémon does?
You sure do love the term game mechanics Kukui huh.
For a game originating verse? Yes, that term is going to be thrown around a lot like it is for every other game verse. Get used to it
The argument that flying type Pokémon ALL fly and that lack of ability to represent this in sprites is the only thing preventing that from being shown is so full of shit, you wanna talk about misrepresentation and yet despite being an avid supporter of the verse in this wiki and a fan of the franchise itself, you have conveniently forgotten numerous examples of both ends of this argument being wrong.
This was debunked in the other thread and as well as in this one. Again, being depicted as “standing up” doesn’t mean they actually are. You can save yourself the trouble and go right back to my Pikachu example of why this is meaningless
Irrelevant. Chariot already debunked this with the Duduo example and them having flying capabilities.
If sprites only didn’t fly because they weren’t animated like in “newer gens” then why did older gens pull flying off just fine, and why are there still grounded flying types in said “newer gens”? Because this argument is ridiculous, and I literally already debunked it in the cosmology thread.
Because it’s a simple case of avatar representation and taking this as ******* literal as you are trying to make it is genuinely stupid.
On top of that, my examples have an actual in canon proof of the flying type not having this resistance as them forcefully grounded makes them vulnerable to ground moves, so the misrepresentation of avatars appearing “standing up” has a leg to stand on.
You on the other hand haven’t brought a shred of evidence to go against this other than silly copouts that don’t change the inconsistency existing.
You know there’s a difference between these two, again, I already discussed this in the cosmology thread.
There isn’t any difference
There is a massive difference between “I click an attack called double kick, my character does a little animation without actually moving towards the opponent, and an image of a foot covers my opponent twice, each time this happens they take damage, this is an artistic portrayal of said double kick” and “Yeah the sprite shows them on the ground but ARE THEY REALLY?”
Except you haven’t negated the fact that the sprites and avatars in-game are just artstytic portrayals as a whole and shouldn’t be taken literally.
Not to mention the fact that your argument would be going with the notion that Pokemon are stationary when not commanded, only move when attacking, and when getting attacked they are still stationary. This is ******* idiotic to believe.
When there’s a CRT proposing splitting game and anime, and it’s gotten heavy staff support, using evidence from anime is a poor choice. This evidence is the best you have and it’s likely to be nulled.
Good thing I don’t need it. This was an extra point.
Absolutely shameless head-canon, “they just dodge” ok cool proof, statements, anything other than “they just do because I said so” even range arguments are stupid, prove Ground Type moves somehow have inferior range or can be dodged easier than every other type in cases like Bone Club
Thousand Arrows already proves this as it’s a projectile based ground move that is launched into the sky and it’s the ONLY ground type move out of them all that’s blatantly and out right said to effect flying types.
Being projectile based doesn’t mean it has the range to hit aerial opponents. Especially when the bone moves are used by the cubone line, who can’t fly, and just throw them across from themselves, which =/= hitting things in the air. And the fact these
moves don’t have what Thousand Arrows has is more proof of this.
Ultimately, this comes down to the fact that Flying Type is not the state of Flying, and yet it nearly universally resists ground regardless.
And yet these so called flying types lose this so called immunity when not being able to be in the air. Again, you have absolutely nothing that counters that
Not all fire types are on fire, which would be the reasoning why water would be super effective (because water puts out fire), they all get affected just the same. Flying Type isn’t any different.
False equivalence as fire types don’t need fire on their physiologies to get super effected by water when their physiologies are heat or flame based.
I’m sure some group of gamefreak employees designated the reasonings behind certain type (dis)advantages with some kind of logic, but that logic and the “weaknesses” or in this case resistances don’t actually all follow that same rule book. Not all fire types are made of fire, not all rock types are sentient rocks, not all flying types actually fly. It’s not the condition for gaining the typing or the way resistances and weaknesses work.
See above.
Regardless, none of your points, even if they had any validity to them, changes the fact that a flying types resistance is far too inconsistent and still needs to get removed for that reason alone.