Yes but the problem I have with just resistance is if they resisted it, then why don't we see them left behind in the deleted space Interspace used to be? If you go back to the scene where Interspace vanishes there isnt anything left. Everyone and everything within Interspace, including Interspace itself, is completely erased. The monitors and computers in Marucho's lab even show that theres nothing left from their blank screens. If they were able to resist existence erasure (but to be more specific deletion since this erasure is in computing terms) we would have seen some signal or trace of them left behind in the system, especially since Spectra and Helios can't travel across dimensions with their own power they need Vestal tech in order to do that.
And to be quite honest here, even with Helios's evolved abilities, there shouldnt be any logical reason why he'd get resistance to something on such a high level. For one, Infinity Helios is the only form of Helios thats even tier 2. We're talking about a Bakugan who jumped to Tier 2 from, what, Tier 5 at best? Secondly, this erasure wasnt just a normal existence erasure. This was specifically Deletion. And as we all know, to go into Interspace you are converting yourself into pure data. As said data, there shouldnt be any reason why both would be harder to delete than anything else left inside when all data is to be deleted and is easily deletable and the program itself was extremely massive as Marucho claimed. If this was normal existence erasure I could see resistance making sense. Finally, we also have to consider that this isnt the first time this has happened. Interspace was on the brink of being deleted before in S2 with Helios and Spectra left inside but unlike here, both were completely determined to leave in any way possible to prevent themselves from being deleted. I find it very hard to believe both could find a way to gain resistance to a specific form of erasure they've only encountered twice when they've only been inside Interspace very few times in the whole series, battling at even less times.
Also, Helios's regen doesn't need an ability card to be activated. Its been established that living Bakugan are able to use their own abilities without the need of a brawler in the series (as the ladder is game mechanics) and Helios is no different even when obtaining mechanical parts as his living parts are still very dominant and he's used abilities as part mechanical before. Even ignoring this point, Infinity Helios's regen, FARBAS Infinity, is activated the instant Helios is harmed at all. Considering his regen works even when he's pure data inside Interspace, it'd make sense to consider his regen over a kind of resistance when being deleted as said data.