entire of page wasn't made of hypothesis but Q&A part of it. as stated by writer:
"I would like to do my best to gather it all here, both factual evidence and speculation." "That about does it for the contents of the episode;"
and speculatio part was referred to Q&A part of page not translations
i'm pretty sure this one was a translation too not his own speculation:
"The voice calls himself Naraka Interim; when asked about his own divine nature, he responds with "Don't take me for the same shmuck as all of you". Simply put, the gods of the Throne are nothing but software, with Naraka being the hardware that houses all of them. Even Hajun, no matter how potent he is, did not come close to matching his strength."
and why Naraka didn't erase them? we don't know why. cuz we don't know Naraka enought and we have lack enough information about Pantheon but there are some speculations about it, such as Naraka being a good guy or neutral rather than a villain:
" Marie uses the verb ÕêÂÒüÖÒéï in relation to Naraka and the Throne, which might mean "to restrain" as well as "to command". And if the former does make him sound like a villain, the latter makes him into more of a tool for Marie to embrace all the suffering of the world…"
"it doesn't outright call Naraka the antagonist. Instead, it says that Pantheon is "a story about chasing down all the Shirous", which doesn't actually talk about Naraka himself at all."