From where I am standing, only three things are being lowered: The speed (the Star Wars spoof that implicated him having MFTL+ travel speed was a dream, so that makes sense), the durability (again, while he has tanked RPGs, fire, and TNT, he has been damaged by knifes, chainsaws, and shotguns, so it seems that it's mainly ressistent to temperatures and explosive based weaponry while being somewhat vulnerable to piercing weapons, which Dragoo says he's fine with noting in the profile, it does not help his victims much since he does not seem to feel pain, can control his limbs after they are cut off, and can reattach them afterward), and his illusion creation is being removed. Honestly, I always wondered if that was really the Ginosaji or if Jack was hallucinating. Anyway, it's not like he needs the speed given his tracking skills and teleportation. His durability can be noted to be much higher against explosive weapons, so he is still a stone wall. His ability to regenerate and pull himself together still makes him very hrd to destroy. At most, the Illusion Creation can be listed as a possible but uncertain ability, since it's not really clair.