Hey, guys, I actually found something that might make Cole's feat SUPERIOR to the DMC one.
At the very least, Cole's Blast is dissipating The Beast's cumulonimbus cloud sheet across the US. However, it might've also been clearing skies across the world.
Start at 10:08 to 10:28
As you can see, the blast is incredibly powerful, engulfs the entire world, even affecting France, China, and Africa, and clears the Beast's clouds. BUT, as you can see in every single one of those shots, it is a clear, cloudless sky. And before you make arguments against it, in New Marais right after the fact, it may appear the sky is cloudy, but that is just smog from the smoke of the nearby buildings, as you can see.
And for the France shot, I originally thought the sky was covered in clouds and the sun was peering through slightly, but it is actually nighttime, and the light is just a lamppost, nor does there appear to be any clouds in the sky.
So, at the very least, Cole is clearing the skies across the country. At MOST, he is clearing the skies across the ENTIRE WORLD.
Here is a shot for shot of the whole scene:
Smog from the smoke, not clouds. Not to mention it's all going to be sunny and cheerful a few moments later. BTW, it is a few moments later because Zeke is just starting to pick up Cole's body.
It's nighttime, not cloudy. And there doesn't appear to be any clouds against the night sky.
I sure love using pictures of people dying and being sad to upgrade my characters.