Shanks of the red haired pirates said:
Does not even matter?
Janemba is in his physical state he does not have a key on his page for non corporeal form.
His energy and himself can be reverted to nothingness or his existence erased.
Hades is regularly leagues faster than him and wins.
Janemba's true form is his non corporeal state, and I specify he is in that state in the beginning of the thread, so no, it won't matter.
Hades has never showed the ability to erase a multi universal scale non corporeal energy, never, and also Janemba was completely unharmed by GOtenks who could warp dimensions to erase Cell so it is even less likely he can do that to Janemba, who btw has time, space and reality warping of his own to counter that as well on top of everything else.
Finally , and I can't stress this enough, Hades won't have an opportunity to do anything, he will be absorbed, possessed, time dump bfr or have to fight a duplicate of himself to the death before he can act.