1. I made a sandbox for everyone to reorganize the findings about the powers and abilities into a (draft) page format
@Stefano4444 since you are quite devoted in adding the powers and abilities, you may have an extra look and slap your blog info into this draft page)
Make sure most of Kenshiro's abilities are grouped properly
2. I am currently revising the Jagi nuke feat for another mod to approve it.
3. I just built a reqally skeleton skeleton framework as a sandbox for everyone to actually add every notable battle for Hokuto No Ken main canon.
Since quite some equally knowledgeable people really insist on setting a multiplier system for powerscaling purpose and not just an addition of powers and abilities, such practice is to be handled with extreme caution. And again, fill in anything.
Insert new exlanations if necessary.
Until the scaling chains are complete and I (or another mod) give a final thumb up, I suggest refraining from making vs threads from this verse and if things get out of control just assume everyone is Jagi tier. first and then lock the pages.
Only when the multiplier system is clearly established then we can apply the changes using the new multiplier system.