"I believe it was requisitioned from NOAA and subsequently modified significantly. I'm no supply guy, though."
The raft is maneuvered next to the ship, where the winch picks it up using a metal sheet sunk under the waves. Several people are waiting nearby when the raft reaches the deck, most of whom visibly jump upon seeing Noah, although the leader of the group appears to make some motion with his hands.
"Don't panic, he's a Reaver situation."
a group of about ten other men, wearing hazmat suits and carrying various pieces of rather bulky equipment move over to the point that the leader steps off the raft and appear to scan him, as well as the others as they step off. The leader is called off by someone important-looking and goes below-deck.
As he moves down the coastline, Gezora finds that the ocean slowly narrows into a large river, until it narrows enough that it's not really a river anymore. Around this point, another city damaged in the same fashion as Nuuk, identified as Quebec City, is found.
The contraption slowly moves over the rose and clasps it in a few small prongs hanging on its underside, being quite delicate with it. It shifts in a particular direction, deeper inland, for a moment before moving back, as though indicating something, before turning and moving in that direction at a pace slower than what it could reach at maximum.
@Totadileplayz @DMUA @Spider_Kaiju @HowManyMemes
Nika's nail bullets cleanly slice through the material and easily a dozen meters into the surrounding rock.
Dieman's exit from the water sends the black material scattering to an extent again, but it resettles quickly. After all this, the lake is about two feet shallower and a helluva lot murkier.
As Merlene descends into the tunnel, it only gets progressively warmer, until, after a bend, a faint glow can be seen distantly in front of her. The ground seems to sift around her, but not fluidly, more lie dragging your foot through sand.
The sheep with the more progressive frostbite will obviously take some time to recover fully, but they'll both live for now despite some blackened fleece.
In the stream of fluids expelled from his body, Matricardo can rather clearly see many small black flecks: some kind of middling fungal growth. It's not entirely gone, but at least 99.99% of it is, as it was centered in the bloodstream at the time.
The being Matricardo is threatening look... unusually strange, as it were, just from observation. Rather than turning its head to look at him, it turns its entire body around, moving in a short circle as though barely touching the ground, concerningly graceful given its size and the absurd feel of malice that comes over Matricardo as its glare centers on him. It swings its right arm, the one holding something that vaguely resembles a large club, backwards, and suddenly a large wooden extrusion reaches out at Matricardo's head at blinding speeds.
The guard seemingly ignores Aya, continuing to listen to the voice in his earpiece. After a moment, he turns around, types something on a console to open the door, and takes a good few steps back from it, readying his weapon and keeping both eyes on Aya.
While the facility apparently doesn't have enough power to keep its electric locks on, a backup server somewhere is linked to a laptop in a further-back section of the museum, seemingly only on because it was never unplugged. Its entirely in a language that initially makes no sense to Corrin, although she's adjusting quickly, and the screen is only barely on at all.
The woman ILEK approaches gives her a strange look, as though very vaguely understanding what was said, but responds after a moment.
"Environ une minute de marche de cette façon, je pense?"
She's pointing north-west, along a somewhat major road in the area.
As with Nuuk, the two cities, being Iqaluit and Apex, are abandoned and generally desolate, outside of a group of presences Giju feels moving near Iqaluit's airstrip.
"Well, we have a mayor, but the people who police these areas now aren't anywhere near here. In fact I don't really know where they'd be, honestly."
The armed men back away somewhat, not actually lowering their weapons, but do appear less tense now.
X can hear two sets of rhythmic noises, obviously footsteps, from inside the building. While the front door would be easy enough to open, it's unlikely that it's meant to be opened outside of specific times considering where this place is. A rather large ventilation system can be seen across the top and back, that being the side that faces away from the sun most of the day, that should be easy to enter.