It isn't a barrier though, that's more just an attack that pushed Ichigo away. So no on Forcefield creation. Just Shockwave Generation is fine, no need to add sound manipulation. And no to Danmaku, he produced like six at once, that's like giving danmaku to someone that can throw a handful of projectiles. It's not happening here.
The reason why I'm saying its a flaw on Orihime's part is because one of the guidebooks MASKED does state that
due to the large amount of foreign spiritual pressure Orihime can't reject the wound. Not to mention that Orihime has no problem healing the wounds that Ulqiorra gives to Grimmjow shortly before the rematch between Ichigo and herself, so it seems more likely that the large amounts of spiritual energy leftover was the problem not whose it was specifically. Pain manipulation is an ability that means a character can inflict pain upon someone as their power. To resist it means to have an ability try and fail to inflict pain upon the opponent. Just because someone is unbothered by being wounded, that doesn't mean they don't feel the pain. That just means they can move past it. And we'd list stuff like that in stamina normally.
I'm arguing both lack of feats and the statements not being foolproof, not ignorance. He never directly states that he can age will with his power, he just calls will and freedom insignificant. In that same statement, he calls the sun and the stars and the moon insignificant too, but you're not trying to argue he's either on those levels or has the range to destroy them. Not to mention that Hachi doesn't corroborate anything about him being able to destroy will, all he really points out is that Barragan can't stand up to his own power. More evidence is needed for me to support the addition of that power simple as that. Get me more, and I'll shut up and let it go by. Until then, no to willpower manipulation or even a possibly.
Since they're duplicating a part of their soul and not really creating something new, I feel it makes more sense to just call it duplication. Though, if you wish, you could list it as both duplication and transformation, since they're just taking these soul parts and transforming them into wolves. Creation is a bit different from my own understandings.
The reason why I said that scan doesn't support resistance is because Yammy acts if he's hurt by it and we don't really see his face afterward. It would've been better to post scans of the next page alongside that, to show that Yammy was actually unhurt. However, besides that, I'd actually argue that Yammy being fine can be more attributed due to the immense power difference between him and Rukia. Since at the end of the day, everything is based in soul energy, you don't really need resistance to ap based attacks such as hitting someone with fire if you're just tougher.