"Well, the flame is about the size of her face, if he can see her face, which doubtless he can, he can see the flame." >So are going to ignore that the flame is by her side and that her entire body is more than the flame in general? It's in general very difficult to see at that distance, plus fire in general doesn't make it easier to see. Again, Dimentio snaps immediately.
"And additionally, looking to his profile, Dementio doesn't have the range to even hit Clownpiece, he has standard melee range and "Higher with abilities" which literally means nothing."
>Honesty that should be changed to universal+. Since Count Bleck has that range via the Dark Prognosticus, we can say Dimentio has the same range because in this case as we're using Low 2-C forms, Dimentio created it and thus has its power. So take his "higher" as universal+, I guess.
"So, Mind hax is out of the question, and as you said, Touhou characters stay somewhat away from their opponent while firing Danmaku, so while not 30~ metres away, she'd get close enough to be visible hit him a thousand times with her danmaku while being outside his range."
>Her firing away would only benefit Dimentio more, less likely he'd see the flame. Meanwhile he just snaps and it's over.
"So, no Dimentio doesn't "just snap" because he doesn't have the range for it."
>Not anymore as his powers range scales~