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record of ragnarok


    Beelzebub (Record of Ragnarok) vs Sasuke Uchiha (Part II) [0-0-0]

    This is Hebi Sasuke starting in 7-A with his Curse Mark and Sharingan on being used here, speed equalized and Beelzebub has Prior Knowledge on Sasuke's Genjutsu and Kirin with the fight taking place in Itachi's hideout. Beelzebub : Sasuke : Incon :
  2. Knifeman29

    Adam vs Garou (Record Of Ragnarok vs One Punch Man)

    Adam vs Post Darkshine Garou Both are Mountain Level Garou scales to 315.12 Megatons Adam scales to 467.39 Megatons Speed is Equal Fight Takes Place At The Field Of Fate The First Man: The Human Monster: Votes: Votes:
  3. Sdjlakjh

    Raiden (MGS) vs Beezlebub (ROR) (0-0-0)

    A Ripper vs a God Rules: Speed not equalized Raiden has his custom cyborg body key Distance: 10m Arena: Abandoned City Raiden: Beezlebub: Neutral:
  4. Robo432343

    Sasaki Kojirou vs Atomic Samurai

    https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Sasaki_Kojirou_(Record_of_Ragnarok) vs https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Kamikaze_(Atomic_Samurai) SBA Speed Equal
  5. The_man_with_the_Midas_touch

    Aldebaran vs Sasaki Kojirou (Re Zero vs Record of Ragnarök)

    Men who can turn a 1 in a billion chance into victory. Who can pave a path against insurmountable odds. "Losers" and "weaklings" that can knock down the doors of the "strongest". Sasaki Kojirou vs Aldebaran Speed equalized. Both are at their mountain level key.

    The Gods of Thunder: Thor (MCU) vs Thor (RoR) [0-0-0]

    This is 7-A MCU Thor being used, speed is equalized and the fight takes place in the Ragnarok Arena. MCU : RoR : Incon :

    Qin Shi Huang and Hades (Record of Ragnarok) Fix

    Shouldn't Qin Shi Huang get a "higher with Shi Huang Goujian Sword" rating since it was able to just plow through Hades' absolute peak amped attack, shatter his bident and then stab him all in one go after absorbing enough kinetic energy when prior Hades was completely overpowering him with...

    Adam (Record of Ragnarok) vs Buddha (Record of Ragnarok) [0-0-0]

    Both of them are in the versions of themselves before their respective rounds began, the fight takes place in the Ragnarok arena, both are in-character and both have any potential canonical knowledge of each other. Edit: Speed is Equalized now. The Father of Humanity : The Enlightened One ...
  9. Arkenis

    God of Battle vs Representative of Humanity

    Victor vs Jack The Ripper With Volund SBA Equal Speed
  10. Arkenis

    A Battle of Science

    Nico Vorgeil vs Nikola Tesla Equal Speed Ap diff 3.61x 100th Loop Nico
  11. Arkenis

    Random FFA

    Not really random, theme's loosely based on ES, ESP, AP type characters. Toji Fushiguro - Sasaki Kojirou - Gen Narumi - Yoriichi - Taiyo Yozakura - Doom - Gabura - Yuno - SBA Equal Stats Range 1km Probably won't come to this, but who wins/loses and when will be decided by votes. Whoever ends...
  12. Arkenis

    Feng Kowloon vs Lü Bu

    Feng vs Lu Base Lu 100th Loop Feng Equal Speed SBA otherwise Ap diff 3.61x

    Nikola Tesla (Record of Ragnarok) Fix

    On Tesla's profile it directly says this with the reference linked on his profile: Plasma Pulse Punch Moebius (PPP∞): Tesla releases an unrelenting barrage of stored-energy punches, releasing wild electricity. This attack was used to put pressure on Beelzebub’s vibration barrier. This barrage...
  14. The_man_with_the_Midas_touch

    Government Employed Murderers. Jack the Ripper (RoR) vs Rob Lucci (One Piece)

    Government assassins who take a bit too much pleasure in their occupation. Rob Lucci: Pre-timeskip key. Jack The Ripper: With Volund key. The battle takes place in London. Ap Values: Rob Lucci= 44.5 Megatons In base. 108.57 Megatons with Rokushiki techniques. Higher when transformed, and...

    Humanity's Strongest: Lü Bu vs Raiden Tameemon [0-0-0]

    Both at their peak with the fight taking place in the Ragnarok arena, doesn't have to be a battle to the death but it can if that's what they desire, otherwise everyone's in-character. Lü Bu : Raiden : Incon :
  16. ShionAH

    First Man Standing - Adam VS Adam (Grace)

    Hazbin Hotel vs Record of Ragnarok Rules -Speed is equalized -Dickmaster has Invulnerability -Battle takes place in Eden, they are fighting over who will get to eat the cool apple -HH Eve and RoR Eve are also fighting in the background Dickmaster - Father - Lucifer tricks them both - 7...
  17. Deoxyys1


  18. Giannysmag

    Record of Ragnarok - 7-A Downgrade

    Record of Ragnarok's 5-B rating has been rejected in this thread, so here we'll discuss what rating they will be downgraded too I and a few other people in the last thread agreed the best rating would be "Mountain level" as: Both the gods and Brunhilde believe that it would be impossible for a...
  19. Fanhas

    Monster Association Cadre vs God

    Black Sperm vs Zeus SBA Speed Equalized Location : Z city
  20. Demon_Lord18

    Goodbye Record of Ragnarok Level 5 and FLT

    Well, let's start by quoting the statement that “Thor” can destroy the “earth” by using “Mjonir” which is interpreted as the “Planet” thus escalating it to Planetary, which is wrong to use this way, and I'll show you why… The Japanese phrase “大地をも打ち砕く最強の神器也” can be translated into English as...
  21. Nicetoderp

    Kamen Rider Zero-One (End of Series) VS Sasaki Kojirou (Record of Ragnarok)

    -SBA -Speed is equalized -REALxTIME Zero-One and Sasaki with Volund is used. -Battle take place in the heart of Tokyo city, 20 meter apart. -Zero-One start off in Rising Hopper. Hidden Aruto: Sasaki Kojirou:
  22. Nicetoderp

    Rematch! Kamen Rider Kuuga VS Adam (Record of Ragnarok)

    -SBA -Speed Equalized. -Battle take place in empty Tokyo city. -Ultimate Kuuga is used. Yusuke Godai: First Human:
  23. Jinx666

    Leonidas (Record of Ragnarok) Page Revamp

    Aight lets see how long this takes Is everyone fine if we keep the current revamp of Leonidas here, instead of the previous version Can we also agree not to make profiles for the fighters until their Round is done with. To avoid this in the future please?
  24. Giannysmag

    Record of Ragnarok - Apollo Profile Rework

    Ngl i completely forgot that i had finished this sandbox Current Apollo profile Updated Apollo profile
  25. Quibster

    Man versus... Youkai? | Satori Komeiji (Touhou Project) vs. Adam (Record of Ragnarok)

    Battle takes within the Palace of the Earth Spirits (Touhou Project) Both begin 30 feet apart from each other Speed is equalized Adam: Satori Komeiji: They have a staring contest instead:
  26. Minos_the_Judge

    Apollo's arrows are as fast as light (Record of Ragnarok)

    Apollo needs to state in his profile that the speed of his attacks is equal to the speed of light through his arrows, because that's the reason for downgrading all characters to relativistic speed. Leonidas needs to write "higher with a gut reaction" because he deflects that arrow in the nick...
  27. Giannysmag

    Record of Ragnarok - Minor Beelzebub Additions

    So while reworking Apollo and Leo's profiles i also reread round 8 and stumbled upon a few interesting statements for Beelzebub, that i wanna add to his profile. For one he should get Damage Boost with Sorath Tau which is a move where his vibrations amplify eachother, creating a massive wave of...
  28. Giannysmag

    "How pleased you are to chop away Jack the Ripper... I am Monsoon of the Sussy Imposters" (Jack the Ripper Vs Monsoon)

    SBA Jack is in his 5-B key Speed is equalized Fight takes place in modern day London Jack the Ripper: 0 Monsoon: 0 Inconclusive: 0
  29. RanaProGamer

    Leonidas vs Queen Maeve

    Battle of rebels, those who rebelled against high authorities. Standard Battle Assumptions Speed equalized 9-A Versions Leonidas scales to 0.01 Tons Maeve scales to 0.05 Tons Base Leonidas vs S2 Queen Maeve Who wins and why?
  30. RanaProGamer

    Jack The Ripper vs Michael Myers GRACE

    Two popular serial killers start slashing Standard Battle Assumptions Speed equalized Jack scales to baseline 9-B Myers scales to 22985 Joules Base Jack vs Michael Myers (Green Timeline) Who wins and why?
  31. RanaProGamer

    Sasaki Kojiro vs Guts

    History's biggest loser takes on the Black Swordsman Standard Battle Assumptions Battle takes place on the Ragnarok stage Both scale to baseline 9-B Base Sasaki vs BOS Guts Who wins and why?
  32. RanaProGamer

    Lü Bu vs Naruto

    The strongest of the 3 kingdoms takes on the most unpredictable ninja. Standard Battle Assumptions Speed equalized Battle takes place on the Ragnarok stage Lü Bu scales to 467 Megatons Naruto scales to 100 Megatons Base Lu Bu vs One-Tailed Kyubi Cloak Naruto (Part 1) Who wins and why?
  33. PrinceofPein

    Discussion Rule for Record of Ragnarok

    There has been quite a number of revision regarding the RoR verse and trying to make it low 2-C or 3-A. This is a verse that the highest feat ever displayed is town level, with a single 5-B statement. Most of the upgrades have been based on faulty logics and non canon materials. Here is one Here...
  34. RanaProGamer

    Record of Ragnarok | Upgrading the Gods

    No, this isn't 3-A or 4-A RoR, but from a feat that was mentioned and is also listed, but we don't know the true extent of, until now. In Thor's profile, it is listed: "Planet level, higher with Awakened Mjölnir (Regarded as the Nordic's Strongest Warrior, who had previously always slain his...
  35. Giannysmag

    Record of Ragnarok - Volund page edition

    This should be simpler than the last CRT. I've made a sandbox for a Volund page, which would be added to the P&A of the Einherjar https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User:Giannysmag/Volund
  36. Dragonite007

    Poseidon vs Hades (Shummatsu No Valkyrie) (0-2-0)

    Poseidon vs Hades Battle location: Arena that Zeus fought Adão 10 meters away SBA Hades: Poseidon: 2 Kratos kills both:
  37. Sparkive

    Record of Ragnarok: Finally fixing the LS (trying)

    Merry belated Christmas (or Christmas, depending on your time zone) On this occasion we must discuss some pending issues regarding some already dead CTRs https://vsbattles.com/threads/record-of-ragnarok-lifting-strength-upgrade.157290/ In this ocassion, the LS part Lu Bu feat, Shiva scaling...
  38. Phsccarvalho

    Quick CRT from Zeus to make him have more things than Adam.

    Hello Power Mimicry Well, you all know RoR's Titanomachy, don't you? Well, in the final battle between Zeus and his father, Chronos, Zeus received a blow from his father, the fist that surpassed time (which didn't have that name, because it wasn't the name of the technique) The interesting...
  39. Shadow_x007x

    Leonidas 9-A

    This is a quick and simple thread where we will upgrade Leonidas in key base to 9-A using this calculation. https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Shadow_x007x/Record_of_Ragnarok_-_Leonidas_destroys_the_statue_of_Apollo Bold = Staff Agree (3:5): @DarkDragonMedeus, @TheRustyOne, @Mr._Bambu...
  40. Giannysmag

    Record of Ragnarok - Big Speed Revision

    So in Chapter 83 of Record of Ragnarok we are shown Apollo's Moonlight of Artemis technique, which shoots arrows that move at the speed of light. These arrows are fast enough to blitz both Leonidas and Apollo, with the former needing to rely on his warrior instincts to deflect them. Hermes calls...