All people misses this and it is being shown in every episode intro. Simply casually and effortlessly rips off Kryptonian pod's glass same one which takes planet OBLITERATING dust shockwave as nothing ( Kara can also do it )
Supergirl's deepest fear ( under Psi's influence ) show details how badly planet was obliterated and was hitted with large rocks ( in deep space there is rather zero gravity so by kinetic energy and laws of physics: very hardly ). Also was stated she was floating in spiral around portal to Phantom Zone. Notice his fight against Deegan the same guy amped by Destiny Book. + also in this RT u see him tanking this full monitor book blast which is ( i don't ******* care how they lowballed book to 5-B ) universal at very least including powers to rewrite destiny. Also by Winn Schott words in S2 ep1 was said to has stopped Earthquake covering entire California. Also matching Kara in brute force ( who in my opinion should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than class G). Like throwing fort rozz reaching another solar system or matching Reign in brute force who in my opinion via brute force and my calculations should be 5-A at very least. Or Supes as powerscales to Kara who tanked Russian Kara this mystic blast which somehow created faked shining celestial body on "night" sky and logically cannot be our sun etc.
"Low showings" like going down to certain alien tech it proves lvl of advancement of those technologies. Even Supergirl admitted Cadmus possesses technologies which even Krypton as intergalaxial civilization couldn't imagine. And we know Krypton has technology of dampening 5d imps or like i have shown u durability of ship or dark ritualistic engineery to create worldkillers ( who can cast spell to move Earth's moon at very hihg speeds or with matter subatomic lvl transmuting sword combining with brute strenght can devour full core of planet in hours like 2-3 as Mon-El said what Reign is gonna do)
Notice very same pod can resist inimaginable pressure of timespace disruptions as even Winn Schott said it is gonna to crush Kara ( and from all episodes i know if Winn is right he is right )
I understand there are lot off poorly edited scenes in CW Arrowverse shows ( best edited one are very uncommon ).
People for instance complain why Manhunter, Kara, Miss Martian and white martians are "so weak" in this scene like zero wall destruction etc. but they look like street fighters and some fights resembles computer games
Lmao this is simple. This is very, very, very low budget show ( 50 milion dollars per 22 episodes containing season ) . Woow anyone complains like zero wall destruction or zero slow modes or mach cones like in Man of Steel movie. And nobody notices somebody punches other so hard it make other guy casually bleeding or faint etc ( and it is consistent MMH is stronger than Kara via powerscaling ). Low budget and that all. Or Martian Manhunter vs Jemm fight resembling some amateur lvl street fighters combat. That why writers keep "consistency" of characters via statements. Jemm is by Supergirl tv show guidebook a saturnian ( ) if watch this video it will show how powerful logically Saturninas should be like traiting 12 000 K temperature, 10 000 000 atm pressure, dense layer of metalic/liquid hydrogen as daily causuality as we humans trait our normal Earthly atmosphere
In animations and comics anything is easy to create and that why consistency is being kept in comics or animations by visuals ( computer graphics etc. ). This is only matter of budget nothing more.
Tell me how u introduce planet busting in comic ? Just simply rocky ball in black background ( with white spots ) get torn apart into uncountable fragments etc.