Given Yuijiro's ability to precog essentially all physical movements and techniques he'd likely be able to dodge all of Kalas' sword based techniques.I'd have to say Yujiro would mostly struggle with Kalas' magic abilities which even then seem to take at least a few seconds for his basic attacks and upwards of 6 for his higher end attakcs, also his
earthquake stopping feat as well as
Ogre Physiology Yujiro would be able to stop or at least severely hamper any poison based abilities aswell as stop Energy Wave and Flash Explosion, it's also probably worth mentioning the earthquake feat was done by yujiro rather casually and without demon back. To a much lesser degree yujiro would be able to dirsupt Water Blade and Distorting winds due to his ability to make sonic booms with his punches.
After watching a showcase of all of kalas' abilities in game I'd have to say that seemingly a very large amount, nearly all, of kalas' abilities originate from the ground and given the fact that Kalas typically spends combat hovering in the air it's safe to assume that Yujiro would spend most of the fight jumping upwards trying to grab and pin Kalas.
My winning situation for Yujiro would be the fight starts, Yujiro instantly starts sprinting towards Kalas as he starts flying upwards and using an ability which yujiro could interfere with a sonic punch or one of his higher end abilities which in this arena, he would not have enough time to use, as we've seen baki characters way below yujiro in power jump upwards of 3 stories Yujiro would be able to jump and grab Kalas, given that the overwhelming majority of enemies Kalas has faced are monstrous or at the least didn't use martial arts whatsoever, he will not know how to respond to a properly preformed pin and would fall to the ground potentially taking damage from the fall itself, all of Kalas' special abilities require a movement of his own body in a seemingly set pattern he wouldn't have access to them after being pinned, at this point Yujiro could do a number of things but the most likely thing I'd imagine is to use Oliver's Ball ability while holding Kalas, afterwards is Kalas isn't taken out by this attack itself I imagine the same situation playing on repeat until Kalas is defeated.
TL;DR, Nearly all of Kalas' magics take too long to use or can be countered by Yujiro, as well as all of his physical attacks being nearly absolutely precoged by Yujiro, this ontop of Kalas not knowing a thing about martial arts means Yujiro kinda stomps.
So yah vote for Yujiro