Well, IQ Skills aren't moves, I think. Moreso abilities that are passive or triggered that Pokemon can learn in the MD games.
In any case, I'd assume there's basis for Pokemon having souls, at the very least because Ghost types are a thing & there's probably been at least one Pokemon that's dead.
Heck, Acerola in the anime has a Mimikyu that is actually dead.
Shiny Mimikyu, known as
Mimikins (Japanese:
ÒâƒÒâƒÒüƒÒéô Mimi-ta), is Acerola's first known Pokémon. Being the ghost of a deceased Mimikyu, Mimikins is able to float and pass through solid objects.
I wouldn't be surprised if Ditto have souls, too.
'course, if Copy Robot can't turn into Ditto (And this assumes Ditto didn't transform before.), then Ditto turning into Copy Robot turns it into a stalemate.
Is Copy Robot untransformed comparable
Mega_Man_(Classic)? If so, Ditto turning into that would be a 5-A, but so would Copy Robot.
So that brings up the question of if Ditto keeps its IQ Skills while Transformed. If it does, it MIGHT have a chance; Copy Robot has limitless stamina, but it can still be incapacitated via destruction of its body, which fighting more skillfully may allow.
If Copy Robot turns into Ditto before Ditto becomes Copy Robot (Effectively Ditto vs Ditto), there's the question of it gains the effects of any powders present on Ditto, too. But I doubt this'll come up, given the thing about souls.