>Except that does take more assumptions to say that he summoned a billion possibilites of himself from alternate worlds just to condense them to one coordinate.
No, it doesn't:
My assumption: They all come from different Universes.
Your assumption: The text is wrong and they appear in the same Universe as him, as well that without being shown or backed up by text, they're just there prior to the original.
>It is physical impossible to condense things from other universes to the same coordinate to put them inside himself in one universe.
< Talks about 1 trillion possibilities spawning into the Universe and having them all melded to one cordinade
< Then makes the argument that it's physically impossible to condence things from other Universes.
Which are you choosing? Argument from Reality or Occrum's razor? Because neither work, you cannot make the argument that something is physically impossible while also making the argument that 1 trillion of some guy just appear in the same Universe for no reason.
Secondly, yes, you can, it's called Space hax/Magic over 2-B range or literally a Nexus.
Pick one argument because you can't have both.
>Except it is demonstrated in text and supported by what is shown in the anime. It also doesn't prove the many worlds thing at all
It literally does and you'd know that if you didn't perform a strange bias and deny anything that doesn't agree with your narrative, prove by "not at all" which is total denial, as the very statement they are possibilities of him and are spawned from "if's" proves this.
>Except its never said its possibilities from alternate universes and no other character has other versions of themselves from other worlds, Crowley is a unique existence and that caused every single possible version of him to exist instead of just one which is also literally what is on his profile
You do know now you're just being a hypocrite? You do know you yourself are not supported by the text, as nothing said they were from the same Universe.
Additionally I've already debunked your argument based Occram's razor and how you're making more assumptions, and again, youre making a positive claim that they "just appear", when the text never states as such and just states they're "possibilities" which anyone would treat as Many Worlds theory.
>Again erasing one Crowley isn't going to poof the rest because despite what you claim, the text isn't supporting your point of view on this topic.
You just avoided the argument you quoted, perhaps respond to the argument then make a new argument.
And my proof is given to me by the opposition where it states they're all "if's" of the original:
"Born from various if's"
And these if's require the original to have existed, except he won't, as he is nothing, his conception becomes nothing.
>Crowley has several things that could work, from nulling his abilities with powernull above what he resists, different sealing things, Karma could also work and trying to all fiction Karma would just get him more Karma
Prove they work on Kumagawa's extremely specific type of EE, and Kumagawa resists sealing.
And he wouldn't need to reduce Karma to nothing, he'd remove his actions that gave him karma.