Duy9161 said:
Lastly, Sans was only beaten through hax. You literally couldn't have beaten him otherwise. Asgore hasn't been shown to have hax, so even though Asgore wouln't put Sans in that situation, if he did, he couldn't finish him off. Sans wins
This is called a draw.
Which is also impossible.
Charisk killed Sans by attacking twice in a turn. Asgore can shoot fireballs, lots of them, in one turn.
I see a few fair points here, but here's a question. Undyne went god mode and became insanely strong, combined with her with combat experience she is an incredibly formidable foe. She is much more powerful than Asgore. At this point, her reaction time must be through the roof. Then why on Earth can't she dodge your attacks. Your not your strongest yet which means you probably don't attack as fast as you do in the Sans fight. Asgore can dodge Undyne's attack while she's significantly weaker than she is when she fights you, such a feat must be astronomically easier than dodging the players attacks. So comparing dodging relatively slow fireballs to the easily one of the strongest fastest characters in the game's attacks.
You wrote all of this while you could have stopped for a minute and ask this question: "Was it likely that Undyne, with her personality, in this circumstance, in this context, would have dodged?"
No. Because Undyne a) needed to attack faster and harder than ever before, b) was strong enough that she could stand there getting hit and tanking for long enough to kill you (for good, because obviously Undyne didn't know you could reset). And that's without asking ourselves "Just where the hell was she gonna dodge to?" You know, because she was a hulking 6 ft 2 person in a full metal plate armor and they were fighting on one of these things?:
Is she gonna jump back? Let the crazed human mass murderer gain ground? And then potentially leaving them space to run away from her into hotland and into the
laboratory? Because that's the evacuation center and every person who dies in there will be her personal responsibility.
Bare minimum Asgore killed 1 human, and because one human soul is worth the same as every monster soul in the underground, we can see here that he got (This is being extremely leniant) 50,000 monsters worth of exp. That's exponentially more exp than you've obtained which means KR would do exponentially more damage. According to the Undertale wiki you have to kill about 100 monsters to meet the requirments of a genocide route. (Excluding Sans)
I really love how you reduced the value of 50,000 people's lives to only worth one other person, just because the other person is human.
Let me just remind everyone what LOVE and EXP means:
What's EXP? It's an acronym. It stands for "execution points." A way of quantifying the pain you have inflicted on others. When you kill someone, your EXP increases.
I like the implication that when you brutally murder 50,000 people the pain they feel is less than that if you kill one other person, because that one person's soul is more special.
When you have enough EXP, your LOVE increases. LOVE, too, is an acronym. It stands for "Level of Violence." A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt. The more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself. The more you distance yourself, the less you will hurt. The more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others.
I really like the implication that killing 49,999 people would make you feel less than if you killed just ONE person of the other race. Because monster lives are worth less than garbage.
I especially love,
looooove the way you have taken to heart Toby Fox's message about Love and Humanity that he tried through his heart to convey with his game. Because according to you, he's a glib hypocrite.
You refutation to dodging is rather weak. Sans dodges your attacks by moving to the left by maybe a metre. Undyne is a very good fighter, and no matter how dedicated you are to hurting someone, everyone has the basic impulse of not wanting to get hurt. Not only that, Undyne isn't the only competent fighter in the Underground. There is the rest of the Royal Guard and Asgore himself. Why don't any of them dodge then? They seem like competent fighters, and they should have the impulse to not get hurt. They don't move a metre out of the way of direct harm. Odd, maybe it's not as easy as you think.
Also, on my previous KR point, you're point is fair, and I'll concede that.
The difference between dodging a monster's attack and the player's attack is still massive. When I played the game, Asgore was rather easy to dodge, so the player is capable of easily dodging Asgore's attacks. Sans is definitely much faster than the player, so dodging Asgore's attacks would be insanely easy.
Lastly I don't quite understand your last paragraph. Regardless, I still believe Sans wins. Asgore's attacks obviously aren't the same as Frisk/Chara's, and they shouldn't be measured as the same.