Paul Frank said:
They didn't control the frame there
The frame used its basic preservation instincts like Rhino in the codex
Every other time they used their conciousness, even Ordis comments at the end of the War Within asking "Where are you going" and saying "Don't leave me". Those words would make no sense if the operator were not either physically possessing the frames(which can easily be seen to be false) or transfering their conciousness into the frames and Ordis would know how transference works.
6:38 Hunhow comments how the warframes have "no self,
no sense, and no death, just a metal puppet dancing on tenno strings" (which even more implies energy control rather than consciousness transfer).
10:53 Transferrence as described by the Lotus, is basically "The mind of the operator
projected into a surrogate body" (Which further implies that it's just projected, not transferred, they project their movements into the warframes, and not literally have their minds inside the warframe).
About Umbra moving, no, not exactly. Umbra is living. He's the ONLY warframe that can move with or without void energy. The void energy just overrrides his control, he doesn't need it to move. When the void energy is out, he can freely move, but when it is in things change as the operator is controling his movements.
Ordis statement, makes no sense either way. Ordis talks to the warframe even during the quest (in mission), i mean when the warframe (you) are in mission the operator and ordis have long chats this was especially in the sacrifice quest. So if the operator is not in the ship how can he talk to ordis, or how can ordis talk to him? Moreover if Ordis can talk to us even when we're not inside the ship why did he worry about us "leaving him" during The War Within. It seems pretty clear that ordis just misread the operator's intention or the operator did a physical possession that one time (only for the quest then controled through void energy). The operator transferring his consciouness would not be the case as ordis can still talk to him either way (so it's 1 of the options i mentioned above).
Not exactly, they don't have to be asleep. They "had" to be asleep cus of the somatic link device, not anymore as they are active during missions and quests, if they were asleep most of their talking during quests and missions would be rendered null. Just the fact that we see the operator moving and talking to ordis while the warframe is in mission proves that the operator doesn't transfer his consciousness but rather just controls them using void avatars.