Range is....
Range: Looks about 40 feet (going by when Ikkakumon attacks Unimon)
....Why does his profile not account for him having multiple forms?! Anyway, even if he does use them (Which he might if trapped.), they might be weaker than his other techniques, being a pre-evolution's, even if he's stronger using them than said previous stage....
But like you might have noticed in my earlier post above, Gomamon doesn't HAVE any other techniques (Besides Marching Fishes.) to use when he can't get in melee range!
I guess it helps that he's bloodlusted.
Dunno what of Ryley's moves Bubble Barrier should help against.
Gomamon's best options are probably to play defensive & hope he can destroy Ryley's equipment before he can land it on him.
Let's look into Gomamon's statistics. "Somewhat weaker" than Agumon/Gabumon.... "
Attack Potency: Large Building level+ (As a well-trained Rookie Digimon Agumon should be now weaker than a newborn Guilmon who can do
this) " (I assume "now weaker than" is a typo of "no weaker than".)
& in the linked calc blog....
Guilmon vaporizes a wall (Low-end) = 1.410259694e+10 Joules,
Large Building.
Guilmon vaporizes a wall (High-end) = 3.32092103e+10,
Large Building.
The only evaluation (From early 2018.) didn't specify which end is used....
So Gomamon is "somewhat weaker" than either 33,209,210,300 or 14,102,596,940 joules. About a 2.35x difference.
Good news for Gomamon, though:
Tier: 9-B Physically,
9-B with
High 8-C with P.R.A.W.N Suit and Repulsion Cannon
Riley's only hurting Gomamon with the P.R.A.W.N Suit & Repulsion Cannon, but since they're bloodlusted, Riley might be resorting to his strongest stuff first. Nip it in the bud & all. Where does that suit scale to?
Large Building level with P.R.A.W.N Suit and Repulsion Cannon (The P.R.A.W.N. Suit can kill Reaper, Sea Dragon, and
Ghost Leviathans with physical attacks, The Repulsion Cannon can bring a charging Reaper Leviathan to a dead standstill and can move Reefbacks)
(I wonder how many attacks it needs? Also, a dead standstill? Do Charging Reaper Leviathans just get temporarily stopped from moving? Does it not actually damage them)
Anyway, there's a calc blog about their tiering by size: (Though, the comments also have some seemingly unfinished discussion about the speed for the feats used; Whether or not it's actually accepted seems up in the air.)
Reaper Leviathan:
278,586,619 joules or 0.06658 tons of TNT | Small Building level
Babu Ghost Leviathan:
1,151,589,885 joules or 0.275 tons of TNT | Building level
Adult Ghost Leviathan:
11,963,072,000 joules or 2.859 tons of TNT | Large Building level
Sea Dragon Leviathan:
12,430,018,678 joules or 2.97 tons of TNT | Large Building level
Gomamon is scaled to "somewhat weaker" than a value 1.13~ times higher than the highest of those listed values. So he might be on par if the Low-End were accepted.
If the high end were accepted, he's scaled to "somewhat weaker" than a value about 2.67~ times higher than the highest of those listed values.