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On UMA Beast’s profile for example (though this goes for any UMA), it states that a justification for type 4 and 8 immortality is that God can remake UMA’s if he wills it, while yes, this is true, it should be noted that this never happens in the middle of a fight, ONLY at the start of a new loop, if it was in character for God to remake UMAs anytime they are defeated, nothing in the story would get done and all the heroes would lose. See the autumn arc, where UMA autumn is defeated, and it stays that way, no remaking whatsoever even though it would benefit God. Also see the spring arc where the exact same thing happens, really powerful UMA, one of the 4 great season UMAs, that would definitely be useful to God, doesn’t get remade. UMA’s only get remade at the start of a new loop. Therefore, this specific justification should either be removed from the profiles or noted as not combat applicable. (also just realized I messed up on the tag after posting lol)