That LS really doesn't need to say "Superior to regular Stone Giants" every time. There's no additional context being added, so just state that one time and move on.
You forgot to give magic using keys Non-Physical Interaction (Stalker of Baphomet in particular has this error). Cairnwight should also receive the standard assortment of Undead abilities.
You have miraculously dogshit scans. Seriously, the one for the Thundering Stone Club is insane. It looks like the computer that took it was struck by that club just before taking the screenshot. Also, is this not a magic weapon?
Crystal Club should be Perception Manipulation and Soul Manipulation, for inflicting the blinded condition and dealing radiant damage.
Intelligence should be "Varies from Below Average to Genius, at most Extraordinary Genius", per
When you say "Updating P&A", this is not actually in line with the rule stating you need to explain what changes you're making. That still sucks just as much.
Technically, the lowest Elder Brain intelligence in 3.5e (we did not use to differentiate like this) is 25, which is dead even with the Thorciasid.
I disagree with Self-Sustenance Type 2.
The speed formatting is sorta crappy, and should just say "higher" for Blinding Speed. Truthfully, it should be "higher via [the litany of stuff listed at the end], even higher via Blinding Speed", since this is the most notable "higher" thing it has.
Tiniest thing ever but your LS section says ton, singular.
Still hate how you put out the full number to like, seven decimal points- not invalid, just feel the need to recognize that this is silly.
Dislike the Extraordinary Genius socially, obviously, but it is what it is. It should be noted that it can't ******* communicate in any language except earth elemental.
Conversely, this guy should have his intelligence bumped to "At least Genius, possibly Extraordinary Genius".
Otherwise similar complaints to Thorciasid, regarding Speed. I don't think we need to be so anal as to notate the repeating number down to a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a percent, either.