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Forgive me if I happen to be totally ignorant, but I do want this to be addressed and/or clarified
One million exploding suns would be more akin to expanding red giants instead of supernovas, as our sun lacks the power to even go supernova in the first place.
I attempted to do some math with the GBE of the sun (which Is imagine is more accurate since our sun can't and won't go supernova), which is .0069 foe or 6.9 millifoe, multiply that by foe, multiply it by a million, then divide by foe. What I got surprised me.
If I did this right, it comes out to 6.9 Kilofoe. This isn't necessarily dramatic, as he is superior to Thor being low 6 kilofoe, but wouldn't his victory over Superman be removed given it was due to AP?
One million exploding suns would be more akin to expanding red giants instead of supernovas, as our sun lacks the power to even go supernova in the first place.
I attempted to do some math with the GBE of the sun (which Is imagine is more accurate since our sun can't and won't go supernova), which is .0069 foe or 6.9 millifoe, multiply that by foe, multiply it by a million, then divide by foe. What I got surprised me.
If I did this right, it comes out to 6.9 Kilofoe. This isn't necessarily dramatic, as he is superior to Thor being low 6 kilofoe, but wouldn't his victory over Superman be removed given it was due to AP?