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Physically weak Servants are pretty strong, actually

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Currently the profiles of the relatively 'physically-weak' Servants is inconsistent. For example, sometimes they are Wall level but their weapon somehow get a separate rating to account for how they can physically fight and harm strong Servants, and sometimes they are just scaled to strong Servants because they can physically fight them 'despite having E Rank Strength', and sometimes they are outright Wall level.
This CRT will seek to get rid Wall level in 'physically weak' Servants, and unify their scaling to your typical Servant.

The argument is based on consistency. There is a large amount of feats from Servants who have E Rank Strength/Endurance or are described as physically weak that makes them comparable to Servants in general. They are gathered on the list below:

Furthermore there are various Servants who have E Rank Strength and higher Endurance (BB, Caster Cu, Circe, Habetrot, Illyasviel, Medea, Meltlilith, Miyu, Scheherazade, Sei Shounagon, Semiramis, Shiki Ryougi, Sitonai, Van Gogh).
And various Servants with E Rank Endurance and higher Strength (Atlanta, Beni-enma, Billy the Kid, Caster Gilles, Jing Ke, Old Li Shuwen, Rider Medusa under Shinji, Merlin, Morgan, Okita, Sasaki Kojirou, Tamamo Cat, Paracelsus, Wolfgang Mozart, Wu Zetian).

They are plenty of feats for D Rank Strength and D Rank Endurance (and some of the Servants above have C, B, and even A Rank in either Strength or Durability) that makes them at least somewhat comparable to higher level Servants, so it would be extremely convoluted for there to be a stupendous' gap between a Servant's durability and strength that goes into the billions and trillions.

It is of note that Jason has pretty good physical stats, but he is stated to be useless in combat due to his lack of skills and courage.

The upgrade would also apply to all Hassan of the Hundred Faces personalities. It seems that the only real loss when splitting is loss of knowledge-based skills, as it is possible to split with maximum manifestations into Gozul the Strong who can have two simultaneous arm wrestling matches with Beowulf (A Rank Strength) and Sakata (A+ Rank Strength) and win, and it is possible to split with maximum manifestations into Makul the Quick who amazed Atalanta (A Rank) with his speed. This is despite Hundred Faces having C Rank Strength parameter and A Rank agility parameter, so maybe that can be considered an average for all his personalities.
Hundred Face Hassan's B+/B++ Noble Phantasm is not overpowered when we look at other Noble Phantasms that summon a large number of Servant-level fighters (its only real advantage it sustainable for long-term use and everyone has great Presence Concealment). Iskander's Ex Rank Noble Phantasm creates a Reality Marble and summons 10,000 Heroic Spirits, with some of them being even more powerful than Iskander himself. Darius III's A/A+ Rank Noble Phantasm allows him to summon 10,000 undead soldiers who are able to clash with Iskander's Noble Phantasm. Leonidas B Rank Noble Phantasm allows him to summon 300 Heroic Spirits with Endurance that range from Rank E to Rank C. Fuuma's B/B+ Rank Noble Phantasm allows him to summon 200 Heroic Spirits.

Finally, I will address what I believe are the top two arguments for Servants being considered Wall level:

Rin beating up Medea​

If we take things at face value, the narrator says that Rin was moving at "Saber-like speed". So either low-mid level magi can move at Servant level, or there is more to it.
Furthermore, Medea has Rank D Endurance, which implies if taken at face value that Rin can harm other Servants including Rider Medusa under Sakura and Servants with D Rank Endurance who tanked direct attacks from other Servants.

This can easily be reconciled by Rin using her Jewels. Just before physically attacking Medea, Rin had one or two jewels left, and after the fight Rin's jewels don't get mentioned again in the route. We know from Kirei's use of Command Spells that a large amount of magical energy being given to a human allows them to temporarily be as strong as a Servant, and Rin's jewels were being filled with magical energy for multiple years. Furthermore in the Fate route Rin used a Jewel to prevent Berserker from crushing her torso when he grabbed her. Additionally, the narrator states 'Tohsaka's fist must be "strengthened" like Kuzuki's, as her attack easily penetrates Caster's defense.', implying that strengthening comparable to the one Kuzuki had is needed to penetrate Caster's defense.

Angra Mainyu said that he is weaker than Bazett in fighting ability​

Such an objection falls if we consider that Bazett has multiple feats and statements that puts her Rune amps at Servant level (planning a future CRT for her and many other), so the statement is not a anti-feat.

She exchanged a flurry of strikes with Leysritt (who is confirmed to be as physically strong as Medusa, and was seen rushing Gilgamesh in the anime), and parried her halberd.
Furthermore, she states that she is confident that she can keep up with 3rd war Assassin in a flat battlefield, even though he is stated to be 'amongst the fastest of the Servants', and she was seen trying to crush his head using her fist.
Throughout her runs, she and Angra managed to off-screened 5 Servants with only one use of Fragrach allowed (she has a total of three uses, and she is sparing one use for Saber and one for Berserker) . Recall the statement that Bazett is more useful in combat ability than Angra Mainyu, and that Bazett attempted to kill Assassin with her fist on-screen and vowed to kill him next time. She also states that trying to separate Masters from their Servants proved to be a losing strategy, so she wasn't simply assassinating Masters.

Nasu also states that Bazett can give Ciel a good fight if she masters the use of Fragrach (which requires pushing the opponent into using their 'trump card' to activate its time/casuality reversal effect), and Ciel scales to Roa and has an author statement that she is able to fight Servants defensively.
Q: Who'd win if the Servants and the 27 Ancestors fought each other? Also, who'd win in a fight between Bazett, a renowned powerhouse of the Association, and Ciel, top class even in the Association?
Oh, and regarding Bazett-san and Lady Ciel, Ciel'd still win at the point Bazett was in Hollow. Once Bazett awakens and masters Fragarach, it'll turn into a good match.

Furthermore, there is an author statement that Bazett can parry and dodge Medea's high thaumaturgy attacks (aka. the laser beams she uses to kill Servants), but will eventually get tired and overwhelmed.
Nasu: As has been speculated (by the editors), the battle would proceed with Caster winning overwhelmingly. As Caster doesn't have a trump card to use against Bazett, she's quite the difficult opponent for Bazett to handle. While lady Bazett is at times able to dodge, deflect, or nullify high thaumaturgy, she'd be fatigued before she could grab a chance at getting the upper hand.
.....Oh and you see. Caster-san. She's merciless against mature women.

There are a couple of statement comparing her to Souichirou Kuzuki and Kirei Kotomine, but both statements are specifically comparing their martial arts skills without use of magecraft.

Q. Between Kotomine, Bazett, Kuzuki, Melty Blood’s Miyako, and Kishima Kouma, who’d be the top 3 in a purely hand to hand fight with no weapons or magecraft?
Q: If Bazett and Kuzuki got in a hand-to-hand fight against each other, who would win?

Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files suggests that Bazett is among the strongest individuals in the Clock Tower, and FGO introduced Scandinavia Peperoncino who was recruited as a talented Magus who specialize in fighting and he demonstrated the ability to amp his speed to consistently dodge attacks from Servants. So inheriting ancient Magecraft that allow Servant level amps has been recently validated as well.
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Don't know about Angra, but from the video he seem to be transformed instead of using his human form, so it's not possible that this give him a buff to his strength? And while it's true that they clashed it's made clear in every moment that the difference between the two is desperating, is made even clear that Saber was holding back all the time in guard because of the NP.
Caster Cu could be buffed physically with his runes in that type of moments, and since there seem to be a lot behind him with the thing of Odin don't know how sure is use him as a standard.
  • Charlotte Corday fights physically using her knife.
While that's true and I still haven't see much of Atlantis, it's made clear fro the very beginning that she is absurdly weak, to the point that she have to run against one monster/beast in a island, she with the help of Ritsuka could take down one but then appeared a pack and they were f**ked until Orion appeared and killed all of them pretty easily.
This is true, but it's a fact that they are still her sisters and she love them so even though she didn't held back, she didn't used things powerful enough to kill them or give them serious injuries, the fact that after the fight they can move well and don't have injuries (even though Medusa lily use a scythe) is proof of this.
Solomon is physically Rank E in strength and he even said that he will take his time with Mordred, we also know that his change depending of who is facing so it's possible that this also have a effect in his power and because of that the attack changed according to Andersen.
We don't know the exact rank of strength of Rasputin so this is difficult to use as argument, more because Kirei can face physically servants when he is buffed with his magic. Also, since when survive a Goff Punch is above Rank E? The only time I remember in which Goff Punch did something to someone is when he used it in the Ooku maze against dolls who were made so the challenging was superior to them in various senses.
  • Meltlilith mainly uses physical attacks.
Melt use mostly her legs to attack since her arms are useless, so it's actually possible that her Rank E is based in the strength of her arms instead of the legs, the legs also have spikes so that add to the type of damage. And Melt focus greatly in the exp mechanic so her overall power increase with that and thus is also hard to use her as standard.
That's true, but we know that Medb is always training to surpass herself, reason to why she can face her weakness, ¡Cheese! Her martial ability can also help her to close the difference in raw strength against others. And the most important thing of all, it's literally the waifu of Nasu, the amount of protagonist, importance and so that she have is because Nasu is madly in love with her, so I also don't think she is the best to use as a standard.
  • Summer Helena Blavatsky has an attack where she slams the opponent with her minigun.
Wasn't there a rule or something like that about use the game animations because the fight style of a servant can be greatly different to them in real combat?
  • Tamamo uses tail swipes and martial arts kicks. She was able to tank a direct physical hit from B Rank Violet and catch her off-guard with her martial arts skills in CCC Foxtail.
A bit like with Medb, but in her case isn't also possible that she buffed herself with magic?
While is true that Wu is physically weak, she have Imperial Privilege and lot of experience, so it's possible that in the last moment she used a skill to survive, the fact that she had the ability to pretend be dead is proof of her ability, intellect and that she indeed did something in that moment.

In general you have many points, and while it's true that there are some details in many of them, I feel like you have prooved that there are many times in which physically weak servants can survive and and "more or less" compete against servants a bit more stronger than them, so I can accept a upgrade to them.

With that said I have a proposal for trying to solve that they aren't instantly killed against stronger foes, this is to implement the Parameter Rules to the base states as a kind of multipler, with this, for example, is more easy to understand the fact that Stheno and Euryale (Rank E = 10) could more or less fight against a Medusa Lily (Rank C = 30) that wasn't holding back (though as I pointed this isn't completely the case) because the difference between them is of just 3x which even in the site isn't enough to one-shot.

Obviously there should be some exceptions and this shouldn't be a iron rule that can't be break, but I think that use it as a standard to determine in general the strength of servants and facilitate the things would be good.
I don't know the rest of the Fate series besides FGO and a bit of Extra, but I'm pretty sure Servants using their physical attacks as proof they aren't weak isn't a good argument. IIRC wasn't Sherlock unable to beat Sigurd using his Baritsu in the 2nd lostbelt? Not to mention attack animations are kind of gameplay mechanics when you don't factor in the animation of how they fight.

Most of the Servant feats of durability against servants seem to based on different factors. Da Vinci was easily punctured by Rasputin with a surprise attack so I don't see why that would make her stronger than she is. Edison surviving the destruction of her mech from Kiyohime doesn't mean that she tanked her attack as the mech did it for him. Also I don't think Nightingale intended to kill him tbh (especially with her whole doctor/Hippocratic oath schtick) plus Edison being defeated just shows how weak he is compared to her.

The point about Medb is pretty vague though. The answer was in response to kid Fergus having doubts on raising a sword against a female warrior, but that says nothing about how strong Medb is.

The rest has been covered by Expectro, some of them being stuff that I wanted to say.
Oh yeah, as for the stuff related to Fate/Extra, I recall that there were parts where you need to boost your Servant's parameters from a very meager E rank in a church building. I think it's acknowledged by the two women working there (forgot their exact names) so the point with Nursery Rhyme is quite vague. You can easily put in all of your points on any Servant's stat to fight another servant (e.g. have C rank strength but E rank for the rest of your stats) and still beat them regardless of what stat you boosted, especially Nursery Rhyme. But I have to admit that this makes less sense when you fight Francis Drake and Robin Hood before Nursery Rhyme, who are both stronger servants than herself.
Don't know about Angra, but from the video he seem to be transformed instead of using his human form, so it's not possible that this give him a buff to his strength? And while it's true that they clashed it's made clear in every moment that the difference between the two is desperating, is made even clear that Saber was holding back all the time in guard because of the NP.
He is a shapeshifting shadow, but nothing says that shapeshifting means that he becomes massively stronger. Note that he is using daggers even in his werewolf form, so the shapeshifting appears to be cosmetic. While he does have a buff, it is only stated to increase his speed at the cost of his body breaking down.

Death Desire A
The action of an existence that doesn't balk at death.
In combat, it works by ignoring the limits of the flesh and increasing the speed ad infinitum.
Of course, what is at the end of that is a loss of self, but, a moment before burning out, for the last few seconds, Angra Mainyu is able to become a top-class Servant.

While Saber is obviously superior in strength and skill, it was a true clash that involves Saber attacking back.
For every hit that Saber lands, Avenger makes three or four.

While that's true and I still haven't see much of Atlantis, it's made clear fro the very beginning that she is absurdly weak, to the point that she have to run against one monster/beast in a island, she with the help of Ritsuka could take down one but then appeared a pack and they were f**ked until Orion appeared and killed all of them pretty easily.
She is strong enough to explicitly kill Atlantean guards. She had trouble with a demonic beast, and the strength of demonic beasts vary and can be significantly stronger than your average Servant. For example Merlin had to buff Ana for her to beat an Ugallu, and Sphinix/Gorgon/Cerberus were all called demonic beasts. So it wasn't like she was running away from a normal wolf or something.

This is true, but it's a fact that they are still her sisters and she love them so even though she didn't held back, she didn't used things powerful enough to kill them or give them serious injuries, the fact that after the fight they can move well and don't have injuries (even though Medusa lily use a scythe) is proof of this.
Even casual blunt attacks should be fatal if the difference in strength is that huge.

Solomon is physically Rank E in strength and he even said that he will take his time with Mordred, we also know that his change depending of who is facing so it's possible that this also have a effect in his power and because of that the attack changed according to Andersen.
Solomon is a Grand Servant, so the rank is not relevant. In Turas Realta he made an early appearance in Okeanos, and casually beheaded Francis Drake with a swipe.
Notice that the attack was supposed to be strong enough to harm Mordred who is pretty tough, and he already attacked Mordred before Andersen jumped in front of her, yet Andersen was able to survive the attack.

We don't know the exact rank of strength of Rasputin so this is difficult to use as argument, more because Kirei can face physically servants when he is buffed with his magic. Also, since when survive a Goff Punch is above Rank E? The only time I remember in which Goff Punch did something to someone is when he used it in the Ooku maze against dolls who were made so the challenging was superior to them in various senses.
Kirei can only physically harm Servants when he is buffed with Command Spells. Statistically, Rasputin is more likely to not have Rank E stats, especially since his vessel is known to engage in close combat. You can scale the Goff Punch to intermediate Magi using Reinforcement + martial arts, which would refute Rasputin being Wall level.

Melt use mostly her legs to attack since her arms are useless, so it's actually possible that her Rank E is based in the strength of her arms instead of the legs, the legs also have spikes so that add to the type of damage. And Melt focus greatly in the exp mechanic so her overall power increase with that and thus is also hard to use her as standard.
It would be pretty weird for her leg muscles to be able to generate billion times the energy of her arm muscles. She also has Rank C Endurance which should apply to her body overall.

Wasn't there a rule or something like that about use the game animations because the fight style of a servant can be greatly different to them in real combat?
Never of heard of this rule. I've seen reservation about using animations for calculations, but not propositions that custom-made animations are not representative of a Servant's fighting style or abilities.

I don't know the rest of the Fate series besides FGO and a bit of Extra, but I'm pretty sure Servants using their physical attacks as proof they aren't weak isn't a good argument. IIRC wasn't Sherlock unable to beat Sigurd using his Baritsu in the 2nd lostbelt? Not to mention attack animations are kind of gameplay mechanics when you don't factor in the animation of how they fight.
If Servants scale to their physical attacks, then it should be a good argument. Sherlock previous attacks damaged Sigurd to the point that it weakened him per Mash.
...That blow had all of our magical energy behind it. Both mine and Senpai's. And thanks to Holmes's help, I'm sure it was very powerful.
It may not have been true baritsu, but I'm certain you felt it anyway. Your Spirit Core should be damaged in several places now.

The animations are custom-made for each Servant. So it isn't like they are generic cloned animations slapped on a palette swap (game would've probably failed if the animations was boring and not unique).

Most of the Servant feats of durability against servants seem to based on different factors. Da Vinci was easily punctured by Rasputin with a surprise attack so I don't see why that would make her stronger than she is. Edison surviving the destruction of her mech from Kiyohime doesn't mean that she tanked her attack as the mech did it for him. Also I don't think Nightingale intended to kill him tbh (especially with her whole doctor/Hippocratic oath schtick) plus Edison being defeated just shows how weak he is compared to her.
That feat isn't that Da Vinci was punctured, but that she was able to physically hold and pin Rasputin until she disappeared despite his attempts to break free.

The Mecha appears to be obliterated, so it isn't like Edison crawled out of a wreckage, so he should have partially tanked the attack. Even if we don't consider all the supporting evidence and if Nightingale didn't intend to kill him, it would be out-there to say that Nightingale was giving Edison love taps.

The point about Medb is pretty vague though. The answer was in response to kid Fergus having doubts on raising a sword against a female warrior, but that says nothing about how strong Medb is.
Don't see how it is vague and it isn't about Fergus himself; perhaps you didn't see the dialogue in more context. Ritsuka considers Medb to be a strong warrior like Scathach, and he met both.
...That was incredible. You completely dominated your opponents through sheer skill rather than brute force.
Winning like that takes a lot of patience. I'm especially impressed that you were able to do so against female warriors.
Personally, I couldn't contain my surprise at seeing women fight with such ferocity.

...? I don't understand. Don't the Celts have female warriors as well? I seem to recall one in particular who was especially terrifying.

Well, I have heard that there are lots of strong female warriors in the area surrounding Ulster.
But I've never even met one, let alone fought one.

?1:(Guess he hasn't met Scáthach yet.)
?2:(Guess he hasn't met Medb yet.)
While Saber is obviously superior in strength and skill, it was a true clash that involves Saber attacking back.
Yes, but she was holding back and the other part was much faster, on top of that in the moment she decided to give a real blow he was f**ked, though in the end that was in his favor thanks to his NP. If no direct statement is made about a increase of strength with it I can partially concede in that point, though just partially because I think is plenty possible that the power of his attacks also increase.
She is strong enough to explicitly kill Atlantean guards. She had trouble with a demonic beast, and the strength of demonic beasts vary and can be significantly stronger than your average Servant. For example Merlin had to buff Ana for her to beat an Ugallu, and Sphinix/Gorgon/Cerberus were all called demonic beasts. So it wasn't like she was running away from a normal wolf or something.
It wasn't a normal wolf, but they were monsters that lived in packs in a island and that the rest of servants as far I saw didn't have problem in kill in great amounts.
Even casual blunt attacks should be fatal if the difference in strength is that huge.
Yes, but that there is no mention of any external wound like a cut if she used her blade, a brush if she used blunt force or even a mark if she used her chains to restrict them (All of them things that would be mentioned considering how important they consider their appearences), mean that even though she wasn't holding back she indeed hold back.
Solomon is a Grand Servant, so the rank is not relevant.
He is a grand because of her clairvoyance and magic, nothing say that he is physically stronger than the rest of servants. This Solomon also isn't a grand, this because that's just the dead body of Solomon, so the argument about physically strong because of grand status don't apply. At most it can be argumented that he can increase his strength with magic, or the other theory I pointed that maybe her strength also vary depending of who he face (this would even explain the fight with Ritsuka).
Kirei can only physically harm Servants when he is buffed with Command Spells. Statistically, Rasputin is more likely to not have Rank E stats, especially since his vessel is known to engage in close combat. You can scale the Goff Punch to intermediate Magi using Reinforcement + martial arts, which would refute Rasputin being Wall level.
I also don't think Rasputin strength is Rank E, but using the strength of someone with unknown parameters isn't the best evidence. And again, I don't remeber a time in which Goff Punch have done anything beside that time in Ooku.
It would be pretty weird for her leg muscles to be able to generate billion times the energy of her arm muscles. She also has Rank C Endurance which should apply to her body overall.
My point was more that her stats can reflect Rank E strength because her arms are virtually useless, so her real strength (the strength she display with her legs) is probably higher than what is supposed, is probably a sort of loophole the same way the NP of Kingprotea is technically Rank E even though with this she can display absurdly greater power, this added to her greatly focused exp mechanic don't make her a good example to use if you want to argument about physically weak servants.

As I said, I accept the upgrade, but many of the examples you brought have certain things that don't make them the best to use as standards. Also, your comments about my idea of use the parameter rules?
I don't care much for the crt itself, but this however
With that said I have a proposal for trying to solve that they aren't instantly killed against stronger foes, this is to implement the Parameter Rules to the base states as a kind of multipler, with this, for example, is more easy to understand the fact that Stheno and Euryale (Rank E = 10) could more or less fight against a Medusa Lily (Rank C = 30) that wasn't holding back (though as I pointed this isn't completely the case) because the difference between them is of just 3x which even in the site isn't enough to one-shot.

Obviously there should be some exceptions and this shouldn't be a iron rule that can't be break, but I think that use it as a standard to determine in general the strength of servants and facilitate the things would be good.
No, absolutely not, never. Parameter ranks, and especially the rules, are so inconsistently followed, that they are universally ignored by everyone who knows the series. Parameter rules have not really been followed ever except for maybe very vaguely in Stay Night.

You can argue it helps explain things like the snake sisters not dying to Medusa Lily, but then by the same logic of "its only a 3x difference" its also only a 5x difference from E to A, and people do get one shot by such a difference at times in the series, or a 10x difference from 1 "a normal value" (which is arguably human level) and E (10), which would make A only 50x a normal value. This also would make us get into the whole "A C rank NP is equal to A or A+ rank Strength" thing, which also ties into one of the biggest pieces of evidence for "parameter rules have been ignored forever", Nasu's own statement saying that the entire ranking was based off of "A beats B" and then they assigned numbers from there
Q: Is there ever a case where each possessed noble phantasms' rank is different from the status screen's Noble Phantasm Rank?

A: The principle is the same. Numericalization is also possible, but for those guys' abilities we kinda did a meaning-word-play "A is stronger so B will lose to it" type thing then numbers were separated into rough conceptual categories like A~E.

By the way, please consider +'s as just things that can momentarily double an ability.

There are also things like weapons providing an effective amp to the user's strength without such ever being reflected in their matrix, like Atalanta's bow and it being able to do the equivalent of attacks surpassing A rank attacks without use of her NP, and a bunch of other things that generally lead to "parameter rules don't work here" which would normally be rectified via your "this shouldn't be an ironclad rule and there can be exceptions" suggestion, but the issue with this scenario is that things that actually follow the parameter rules are the exception at this point, not the other way around. So regardless of what you guys decide here, my vote for use of parameter rules for literally anything has stayed the same since the beginning, basically, if Nasu doesn't pay attention to them, why should we
With that said I have a proposal for trying to solve that they aren't instantly killed against stronger foes, this is to implement the Parameter Rules to the base states as a kind of multipler, with this, for example, is more easy to understand the fact that Stheno and Euryale (Rank E = 10) could more or less fight against a Medusa Lily (Rank C = 30) that wasn't holding back (though as I pointed this isn't completely the case) because the difference between them is of just 3x which even in the site isn't enough to one-shot.

Obviously there should be some exceptions and this shouldn't be a iron rule that can't be break, but I think that use it as a standard to determine in general the strength of servants and facilitate the things would be good.
The accuracy of the parameters values are notoriously inconsistent and overall aren't taken seriously by the Nasuverse community (hence the current stance of most Servants more or less scaling to each other), so I'd prefer a vague 'stronger/weaker than'. The old numbers also doesn't take into account the power creep the series got, as the value of 1 is meant to be that of a normal human.
Furthermore, to implement this we'll need to find a benchmark that is applicable to a specic Rank to multiply, which is very tricky and over complicates thing.

In regards to Charlotte Corday, don’t we give her a separate key for Atlantis? So than can her performance there really be said to be an accurate representation of E rank strength?
She starts with dormant Zeus nanomachines she didn't know about that are set to activate upon encountering an enemy god to act as a signalling beacon, when activated she used them to one-shot a Cerberus and the Zeus nanomachines starts taking over her mind afterwards but Ritsuka's group have them replaced with other nanomachines. It is up in the air whether the dormant Zeus nanomachines buffed her, but she should still scale above Angra Mainyu and be supporting evidence since her attacks consist of slashing and stabbing with her knife; even her Noble Phantasm is a 'don't-consider-me-a-threat' thing to help her get close and stab people.
@Shizuka Can you stop giving a like to every goddamn threads/users posts?

That human is protected by THE Monkey
Okay. He last visited on July 26th though.
Fate/stay night verse page... nope.
Fate/Apocrypha page... nothing.
Fate/Grand Order... not there either.
Strange Fake... nada.
Zero... zilch.
Extra.... no mentions.
Knowledgeable Members List.... let's see... yup, my name is absolutely not there.

So please explain to me why it is that I was pinged AGAIN for a verse I have said, time and time again, that I do not follow anymore.
You can just ignore the notif tho, yeah i know it's really bothersome

Also Regis isn't in the vsbw anymore, as i said again
Sorry about that then Solacis. You were probably listed in the Nasuverse page.

Anyway, what are the conclusions here so far?

Also, @Promestein , since you are back from your vacation, would you be willing to help out here as well?
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