That's just narration. That doesn't count as breaking the 4th wall. If Patrick turned to the audience & started speaking to them with his actual mouth, then that would be breaking the 4th wall. But no, it's just narration. And by that logic, any character that narrates their own story or tells it from a 1st person POV should have 4th wall breaking. Simply being the narrator of your movie doesn't give you 4th wall awareness
I don't think that's enough on its own to classify for Athletic Human. Running down a street isn't that hard. Unless he did it super fast or something, then I don't think he should have it
Taking a kick from a regular person is only support for Human level. I agree with Athlete level because he's in very good shape, but just taking a kick from a normal untrained woman isn't enough to qualify for that
1. We don't know if that scene is even real or not
2. He exploded it becaue he hit the gas tank of the car, not because his guns are that powerful. He can't just cassually throw out Small Building level explosions anytime he wants in a normal fight (also that has already been calculated, a cars gas tank exploding is Small Building level)
No, that's not how it works at all. To classify for subsonic, you have to move litteraly as fast as a blur to the point where the human eye can't process it. Their eyes are processing his attacks just fine, they just aren't reacting to it fast enough. The human eye can process things shown in front of it for 13 ms, while it takes 200 ms for your average person to react. That's a 187 ms difference between being able to see something and being able to react to it.
Attacking people before they can react is something martial artists do all the time. People like Bruce Lee did it with other professional fighters constantly. This wouldn't qualify for anything above Athlete - Peak Human reaction & combat speeds.
This also isn't even accounting for the fact that litteraly every single person in those clips didn't know that they were about to be attacked. If you're off guard and don't know that the guy you're looking at is about to attack you (like litteraly every person in the clips you've shown) then your reaction time is going to be WAY slower, to the point where I think any normal person with Average Human reaction & combat speed could preform the same speed feats Patrick does
So no, this wouldn't be even close to Subsonic. I honestly don't think that this would classify for anything higher than Average Human reaction & combat speed
Absolutely not
Firstly, the dog thing. That was a small dog, it wouldn't take too much effort to kill it. If it was a big dog like a German Shephard or a Husky or something, then I could see some justification for that. But that dog was a very small dog not even fighting back. I've talked before in previous threads how even larger dogs just barely qualify for Human level & can be killed by most regular humans. I can link some of my previous sources I've used in past threads if you want
For the biting through flesh, normal people can do worse.
A single google search shows that biting through flesh enough for it to profusely bleed is very common for humans. I've worked in hospitals before, and I've seen human bites. You'd be amazed at what a determined human can do with their bites to another human. This isn't too impressive
The bone breaking feat would be 9-C, if it ever happened in the movie. It might've & I might just be forgetting it, but from what I remember, Patrick never breaks anyones bones in the movie. I think that's just a book feat that needs to be removed since composite characters aren't allowed. If it did actually happen in the movie, then yes, he'd be Street level for bone breaking
As for the scaling to Scream characters, stop it. They're different verses. And you have no proof that he's stronger than them. You have to actually give proof that Patrick is stronger than characters like Sidney Prescott. You can't just say "well he's obviously stronger than them so he should scale to them" They're from different verses with different feats and power levels. There is litteraly no proof that Patrick is stronger than them other than your opinion. If we're playing that game, then I actually think Patrick Bateman should be 10-B because I personally think that
Arthur Fleck is stronger than him, it's obvious, and Arthur Fleck is 10-A, so thus Patrick should be 10-B. So boom, 10-B Patrick Bateman (although Arthur Fleck unironically deserves Street level but that's a whole different conversation for a whole different CRT)
I don't know what this site is on, it's really easy to do 100 crunches. I've done 500 before and I'm sure as hell not elite or "Peak Human" in stamina. I think most people that work out at least semi-regularly can slam at least 200 (though who knows I might just be overestimating your average gym-goer)
The world record is 20,000 crunches in 5 hours, so I'd say you'd have to get at least somewhere around that in order to qualify for Peak Human stamina. In the meantime though, I think "Athletic Human" stamina should be fine as again, Patrick is in good shape and didn't seem very fatigued after killing people, which takes a lot of energy... I think. Idk I've never killed someone. But I have done plenty of crunches before and it's not that hard.