(Edit) To summerize
Things that have been accept:
- Removal of Acacia Gourmet Luck
- Acacia gets resistance to Matter manipulation and Heat manipulation
- His Regen gets upgrade to High
- Both Toriko and Starjun get Pseudo Reality Warping because of Ultimate Routine
- Toriko gets Information manipulation via his Devil sense
- Sunny gets Absorption
- Coco gets Creation
- All Eight Kings get Biological Manipulation and Weather Manipualtion
- Horse King Heracles gets Air manipualtion just based on her the Gourmet Checklist and Regen High-Mid and Immortality type 3
- Monkey king Bambina gets resistance to Poison manipulation/ Sound manipulation/ Energy manipulation
- Whale king Moon gets BFR and Absorption and Soul manipulation
- Wolf king Guiness gets Information manipulation
- Starjun gets Time and Space manipulation and Supernatural Luck
- Joie gets Information manipulation and Mind manipulation and Life orbs as items
- God gets Supernatural Luck
- Both Center and Cure water get low-godly regen. (dunno if these two have a page or not but they can be used as items in fights.
Joie: should have and
type 2 Immortality with
Life orbs. and his regen with Gourmet Luck should be
Low-Godly instead of
High because if he was completely atomized by Minority World its impossbile to return with
High regen because there were no atoms left for him to regen from so his
High regen doesnt make any sense and even in the official translation he states he doesnt want
his body to be erased.
Any character that has eaten
Meat Dish Newsthe should get to Time and Space manipulation and resistance to it.
Any character that has eaten the
Salad dish Air should have the same power as the Horse King
Any character that has drink
Soup Pair should have Non-Physical Interaction because they can interact with Food Spirts and [ https://www.***********.net/toriko/339/10 see Back Channels]
Any character that has eaten
Dessert dish Earth can activate back channels longer.
Any charater that drinks
ATOM also develop the ability to see invisible Gourmet Matter. Dunno if this help or not but just wanne include it.
As for the stuff with Another it only applies to these things : Matter up to an Atomic scaling/ Souls dunno if you can count this as eating Non-Corporeal beings./ And Energy in general. Because this makes the most sense anything else would indeed be NLF.
People who have eaten Acacia Full-Course: Acacia, Joie, Toriko, Starjun, Zebra, Sunny, Coco, Aimaru and Komatsu ( dont really care about those two) Midora.
Jirou confirmed that Joie has eaten Acacia Full course
The gang eatning acacia full course except God
Midora eating Acacia Full course
Dunno if this counts as eating Center
Durning Toriko wedding God was served as his part of his Full course
Things that have been rejected:
- Ap stuff to 4-C to upgrade to 4-B
- Acacia resistance to Void manipulation
- Joie type 8 Immortality
- Center and Cure water Mid-Godly regen because its Low-Godly