I am not sure why you got so deep into the whole pain endurance/resistance on Baki when I simply replied that witchers are as easily capable of enduring abnormal amounts of pain as the baki's gang are.
you showed 2 cases of them merely surviving pain not even mid-combat, which is what prompted me to explain that difference
the scene you linked just implies that he was getting cut, no "hole"
It is even noted by
Roche that witchers in general have high pain resistance after Geralt was jailed and beaten.
yeah nobody is contesting that, I'm not saying that they're just some average humans lol
Yeah this stuff is really the only things worth noting that you brought up, but I guess they'de be dependant on what kind of potion they take, because I'm pretty sure there are some scenes where he's on potions but still feels pain. If he is on THESE particular potions then yeah, he can probably not get KO'd by one slash
yeah and he was incapacitated by that, this is from the very first portion of the first book, right?
And to properly asses the previous points, the acidic blood and potions in general give witchers high amounts of toxicity which in fact drains their vitality but don't really get bothered by the pain they experience
yeah but as I said, they are built for that, so it's not quantifiable, it wouldn't be equal to the pain a human feels while being melted by acid because humans don't have resistance
ok but like, the torture ended a while back so right now he's just kinda dealing with the pain of not having skin, which is nothing to scoff at, don't get me wrong, does it compare to having your limbs exploded from the inside out, or having your brachial artery bitten off? I don't know
Trial of the Grasses more so plays to the fact what happens to the candidate afterwards as the process itself takes a total of seven days to complete, in each of these candidates experiences never ending pain as they are being melted from the inside. Once the trial completes the new witcher literally forgets the pain he experienced from said trial which speaks for the pain resistance that they have.
ok, but they couldn't fight while undergoing that procedure, could they?
I also don't understand why you bring up Baki when we have Hanayama and Motobe as prime examples of what happens to people who Musashi cuts. (I mean, Musashi actually properly fought these two unlike baki who only half-assess it)
he didn't use the imaginary sword on any of them and he was expressly stated to be suppressed against Motobe, so no, they are not more relevant fights
that's not the imaginary sword, that's just Musashi's expectation of what should have happened to Hanayama's hand
the entire point of that fight was that Musashi was suppressed and could have killed Motobe whenever he wanted, so I don't see how this is a relevant showing. You can't compare his real swords to the mind slashes because the mind slashes are
a form of mind-manipulation that works down to a cellular level while the slashes are just physical trauma, no different than a punch or a bite, so of course they'd cause less pain. Besides,
his imaginary swords are outright stated to be sharper than his real ones, so yeah
And to top it off, Baki isn't completely inprevious to pain. Sure he gets more and more resilient in each fight but he still goes out screaming when Musashi
kicks him in the balls,
Yujiro isn't immune to this technique either.
yeeeah, it's whatever, in-verse getting kicked in the balls is just consistently displayed to be the worst pain possible, I think we can both agree that IRL a brain hemorrhage hurts more than getting kicked in the nuts, but in Baki the testicles
are considered a
vital organ and
directly compared to the brain, heart and kidneys, it's not a counter-feat as much as just just an in-verse quirk, they just have sensitive nuts lol. Besides, it's not like it'd ever come up in this fight, unless Geralt has a ball-buster move or something.