- 2,498
- 2,101
AP Upgrade
Personally, I think this should be a new key but anyway. In One Punch Man chapter 149 Child Emperor states that Metal Knight's weapons are beyond any lone hero. While this can't be used to scale him to Genos or Tatsumaki since Child Emperor has never seen them at full power, it still should be enough to scale him to other feats he witnessed such as base flip and Tatsumaki stopping a barrage from Boros' ship which is this powerful. Both calculations are low 6-B which is consistent.
This will not be accepted but Metal Knight can somehow be scaled to Wave Motion Cannon IMO. At least, we should discuss it here for future reference. I think it is enough for Metal Knight to get "likely far higher". There are several other reasons for that.
1. Besides scaling to Wave Motion Cannon, Child Emperor's statement means from his perspective Metal Knight is superior to King in general who is usually seen as much more impressive than Tatsumaki who scales to low 6-B.
2. He is rumored to have an immense arsenal of weapons and a robotic army, to the point where the Hero Associaton fears the idea of him going rogue (I found this one in OPM wiki)
3. He stated what he fears isn't MA itself but another evil. Metal Knight seems to be preparing for this greater evil which means he possesses weaponry strong enough to consider himself above MA.
4. He also possesses Boros' ship
I am pretty sure all these combined is enough for "likely far higher"
Lifting strength upgrade/downgrade
Gargantuan's own weight cannot be used to determine lifting strength. So it should be changed to "unknown".
Child Emperor also witnessed Tatsumaki lifting Monster Association base which is this heavy and this was before his statement. Metal Knight was able to remove Boros' ship which is 1.6e14 kg. Both are class T.
He taught Child Emperor everything he knows. So Metal Knight's speed can reasonably be scaled to Underdogman.
When Metal Knight fired his missiles to blast the meteor, it was over 33 seconds away. That requires way more than hunderds of meters range. It is at least tens of kilometers. Besides, when the missiles of MK hit the meteor, its altitude was higher than clouds. AFAIK the wiki usually accepts clouds to be 2km high.
Personally, I think this should be a new key but anyway. In One Punch Man chapter 149 Child Emperor states that Metal Knight's weapons are beyond any lone hero. While this can't be used to scale him to Genos or Tatsumaki since Child Emperor has never seen them at full power, it still should be enough to scale him to other feats he witnessed such as base flip and Tatsumaki stopping a barrage from Boros' ship which is this powerful. Both calculations are low 6-B which is consistent.
This will not be accepted but Metal Knight can somehow be scaled to Wave Motion Cannon IMO. At least, we should discuss it here for future reference. I think it is enough for Metal Knight to get "likely far higher". There are several other reasons for that.
1. Besides scaling to Wave Motion Cannon, Child Emperor's statement means from his perspective Metal Knight is superior to King in general who is usually seen as much more impressive than Tatsumaki who scales to low 6-B.
2. He is rumored to have an immense arsenal of weapons and a robotic army, to the point where the Hero Associaton fears the idea of him going rogue (I found this one in OPM wiki)
3. He stated what he fears isn't MA itself but another evil. Metal Knight seems to be preparing for this greater evil which means he possesses weaponry strong enough to consider himself above MA.
4. He also possesses Boros' ship
I am pretty sure all these combined is enough for "likely far higher"
Lifting strength upgrade/downgrade
Gargantuan's own weight cannot be used to determine lifting strength. So it should be changed to "unknown".
Child Emperor also witnessed Tatsumaki lifting Monster Association base which is this heavy and this was before his statement. Metal Knight was able to remove Boros' ship which is 1.6e14 kg. Both are class T.
He taught Child Emperor everything he knows. So Metal Knight's speed can reasonably be scaled to Underdogman.
When Metal Knight fired his missiles to blast the meteor, it was over 33 seconds away. That requires way more than hunderds of meters range. It is at least tens of kilometers. Besides, when the missiles of MK hit the meteor, its altitude was higher than clouds. AFAIK the wiki usually accepts clouds to be 2km high.