Chanel attempted to summon the ghost of her ex-boyfriend in
this thread. I plan to have this work better than intended, summoning several different ghosts into the setting.
Max Jägerman,
Sam Wheat, and
Baby Blue are the ones I have in mind. Sam will be a helpful force while Max and Baby will be... not that.
The Mimic/Tiger Rock was actually foreshadowed
here! That's not Leon... The idea is that both Tiger Rock and the Mimic exist here, Mimic is busy dealing with Claire while Tiger Rock is more like a scout.
I recently got into Sorry We're Closed, and want the Duchess to get some plot presence. They're quite powerful and authoritative, so I think they'd work great as a main-ish antagonist similar to Malak and Spooky
Characters I wanna include are;
The Duchess
Kris and
Noelle (Weird Route)
Maria (She's actually
showed up already! Just no match yet)
Hobo Heart
Crow Mauler
Max Jägerman
Sam Wheat
Baby Blue
And of course, I wanna toss in
Final and
Yellow Rabbit as suggested by others :]
Aaand maybe one or two more Ghostfaces, as a treat
Some potential match-ups are...
Claire Vs. The Mimic
The Duchess Vs. Final
Crow Mauler Vs. Malak
Hobo Heart Vs. Max Jägerman
Sam Wheat Vs. Baby Blue
Kris and Noelle Vs. The Duchess
Kris and Noelle Vs. Malak
Trevor Vs. Rat and Cat
Hobo Heart Vs. Yellow Rabbit
Sylvie Vs. The Mimic
Sylvia Vs. Longlegs
You're Next Gang Vs. Goblins
Just for fun, I do wanna take inventory! I'm gonna sort our cast in a couple ways
As expected of a horror crossover series, we have mostly villains running around.
I also wanted to sort by tier;
Tier 10-C
Tier 10-B
Tier 10-A
Tier 9-C
Tier 9-B
Tier 9-A
Shoutout to Oogie and Claire though, they're almost 9-A
Tier 8-C
Tier 8-A
Pretty good diversity until you look at 9-A, which I think could use more love. 8-B is the only tier (allowed) without any rep, but that makes sense since 8-B is a fairly rare tier to stumble across. Spooky is our only 8-A, but iirc, that's barely combat applicable. So the height of power still hasn't been reached yet, and I don't know many Horror 8-As anyway.