For some reason, Deathwing is classed as the Large Country level when he, in fact, shook the entire Planet and with the second cast of Cataclysm he'd destroy the entire Planet, it's really strange why that is but it doesn't matter. (The Cataclysm did some other strange effects too but nevermind). Deathwing's Molten body should burn Kratos for one, just because the players didn't get affected doesn't mean Kratos isn't like seriously, the Heroes of Azeroth are beyond Planetary, they killed a Void God who are stated to be able to consume entire planets, defeated a (Echo?) of Murmur who was able to destroy an entire Planet with a bored yawn and defeat people like Kil Jaden who with the legion have been said to slaughter thousands of Planets and turn entire Universes dead. Not to mention Deathwing's durability is insane, tanking a blast from the Heart of the Aspects and getting up still able to destroy the world with one last spell in quite the feat. So I'm going with Deathwing, additionally, if we add in RPG lore as well, Kratos is insta-dead with the magical power of Wish, Yes it's a legit spell and busted af. We could add in Twilight magic, the magic of creation, the magical abilities stated he has like DL, mass summoning, Warlock abilities, Mage Abilities etc.