RC: Do you believe, then, that Darkseid is far less powerful than Superman-that it is Darkseid's political machinations and his dangerous mind that makes him a threat to Superman, not his power?
RC: But you did write in the preface to the Hunter/Prey trade paperback that Doomsday defeating Superman is one thing . . . but Doomsday defeating Darkseid takes Doomsday to a whole other level.
DAN JURGENS: We needed Doomsday to defeat Darkseid for people to understand that Doomsday was a multi-dimensional threat.
RC: Then was is that Doomsday defeating Apokolips took Doomsday to a whole other level?
DAN JURGENS: Well, I say it's more like that. You know, if you go back to the Kirby Darkseid stories, Darkseid was never set up to be the all-powerful type of being. To me, Highfather was always set up to be the more powerful, omnipotent sort of being than was Darkseid. Darkseid had power in that he was able to control people around him. People were terrified of him.
I always say with guys like Darkseid and Lex Luthor . . . how come everybody fears these guys? They never do anything bad. You know, you go back to the Kirby stories and everybody talked about how bad Darkseid was and see that, yeah, Apokolips was always a terrible place to live, but . . . gee, I don't know if we ever saw him do terrible, evil, awful things on a frequent basis. And so I think Darkseid, because he wields the tremendous army and power of Apokolips . . . he is powerful, in a galactic sense.
RC: So in your opinion, in terms of sheer power, it's clear that Superman and Doomsday are both above Darkseid?