Yes, her fading away as opposed to the last two times she got her ass kicked by Samus is proof she had a different death to occur, otherwise she would just explode violently like she did the last two times she fought. No it definitely would make sense that her soul would also fade away because when anyone of the beings she possessed with Phazon appeared in Metroid Prime 3 she immediately comes out in a ghostly form to absorb their essence into herself.
Her page is outdated as with many other pages on metroid compared to more recent pages, but there's
onscreen proof of her being a non corporeal being in MP3.
Also the entire
chozo lore in Metroid Prime 1 has multiple statements on the chozo being corrupted by phazon and being corrupted to the point that their souls are taken over.
The entire plot point of Metroid Prime 2 of both Dark and Light Aether needing their energy source to keep their planets from disappearing forever stops your take, we can play the assumption game all day here dude, that's not gonna get anywhere, what actually boils down to is something factual, not "what if this happened instead", and what's factual is either planets without their energy source will cease to exist. Dark Aether is in another dimension, that entire dimension no longer exists thanks to what Samus has done. For proof, the entire atmosphere that's dark and destructive on Normal Aether is caused by the dimensional split of both planets, If there was some trace of Dark Aether remaining, the atmosphere would've stayed intact despite Dark Aether's destruction, but it vanished, because Dark Aether no longer exists, if you put 2 and 2 together, you'll realize that the vanishing dark atmosphere on normal Aether is a sign that Dark Aether no longer exists, further proven by the fact that no other game in the later part of the timeline ever mentions, let alone flat out shows that Dark Aether still exists.
Ok, like I said above, the pages aren't as recently edited as others, and we plan on revising the verse soon.
No that's false, Dark Samus flat out died in MP3, Samus permanently killed her to the point that none of the phazon existed, even the part of Phazon that existed inside of her body throughout the entire game.