With the common sense ignoring stuff, the damage the lower level people do is pretty minor, Benet basically rip apart of Ruphas shoulder off. Ruphas was pretty casual until she put her life force in, so it's like AD + Full Moon + Life Energy.
For speed, Ruphas was dodging and very causal against Benet, but then she surprised Ruphas by kicking her with the severed, bottom half of her body, if Ruphas is Immeasurable, even if she was surprised, she would have all the time in the world to dodge, so Benet kinda has to scale, and then there is again the Benet tearing apart Ruphas shoulder feat.
Benet is indeed superior to Orm, he got speed blizted and beaten up by level 3000 Ruphas meanwhile Benet could do some damage, and surprise Ruphas. It's not really a surprise if you think about it, if willpower/belief is the ultimate thing, which it is, all that matters is the belief that you can do something. Against Alovenus Orm stated he wouldn't be able to keep up because he couldn't believe in himself so much to ignore all the contradictions, meanwhile Bent said she couldn't muster that much willpower to face Alovenus.
Think about it, who does Benet have the most willpower for? Ruphas, she is practically obsessed with her, it makes sense she could muster up the willpower, ignoring logic to make her be able to do ridiculous stuff.