Now, regarding the hypertimeline, I'm still neutral leaning on disagree as I definitely have some contentions with the counter-arguments used.
I find the inclusion of this argument odd, as what Ultima and Agnaa are discussing here has absolutely nothing to do with hypertimelines. It's about the significance of being "above baseline infinite" in terms of tierable size. To give full context of the conversation:
The new Low 1-A is transcendent of dimensions and cardinality entirely, but
DontTalkDT questions the wording since an uncountably infinite number of dimensions or even Infinity +1 dimensions is technically "transcendent of dimensions," which
leads to a debate of analogies over the likeness between adding 1 timeline to an already infinite multiverse and adding 1 dimension to an infinite hierarchy (both still being countably infinite).
This is irrelevant to the topic of hypertimelines. These quotes would at best be applicable against the uncountably infinite timelines argument, and I say "at best" since it doesn't even have to do with the uncountably infinite timelines arguments used (which I already disagree with).
These quotes have nothing to do with the arguments at hand either. The first one is addressing the argument of time flowing in reverse, forwards rather than backwards, as a justification for multiple temporal dimensions.
The second one is addressing the argument of timelines within timelines resulting in hypertimelines, which once again, isn't the argument being used as pretty much everyone who's proposed hypertimelines recently has at least understood the baseline fact that all-encompassing timelines in a vacuum aren't enough for Tier 1.
These are the actual justifications being used:
The argument stems from this excerpt of the Tiering System FAQ:
Essentially, if
time travel can be used to reach different states of a multiverse, like time traveling back to when there were 1,000,000 timelines rather than 5, that would be pretty explicit evidence for a higher temporal dimension. One instance that wouldn't qualify (DT mentioned this in response to a profile comment whose link I don't have) is if you time travel back to when a universe was a timeless void, as that could still require a singular axis, but that's irrelevant here. Ultima confirmed something like this on discord too:
I guess my last question is directed towards Firestorm, specifically as regards this statement:
Is the multiverse restored by reversing time, or some kind of temporal indirect temporal tampering with the CTB's energy? I think more context is needed since the latter is questionable for Low 1-C, while the former should absolutely qualify. As DT said, reaching different states of a multiverse only qualifies if it's performed through time travel. Otherwise, you could argue that you simply spawned different overarching timelines (one with an infinite multiverse, and one with a single universe), and reaching different states was achieved through dimensional travel to different overarching timelines altogether.