League of Legends
Dark Star Thresh - Even without his Hook and Lantern he has passive intangibility, flight, soul-damaging attacks, space-time manip, duplication, and can create universe-swallowing black holes with a wave of his hand. Plus when someone dies, he gets stronger.
Nightbringer Yasuo - Even without his sword he can grow spikes and blades from his hands to compensate. Try killing the embodiment of the concept of chaos. Plus he can fly and create an army of shadow creatures from himself to fight alongside him if that's allowed.
Daybringer Rive - Same as Yasuo but the concept of Order without the hand spikes.
Bard - Pretty much the hit-taker and healer. Flight + regen + immortality + incorporeality + speed amping makes for an annoying, hard to hit, and hard to kill opponent, potential dimensional bfr, and Tempered Fate to put a potential threat in stasis for a while.
Kindred - Embodiment of the concept of death, death manip, soul attacks, and an immunity to the conventional laws of physics. Plus Lamb's bow is an extension of her own body, so it counts.
Pentakill Karthus - Passive intangibility, flight, soul damaging attacks, death manip, and broadway force (Gotta get that duet with Mord)
Pentakill Mordekaiser - Disease Manip, Soul Manip, the ability to absorb negative emotions such as rage and despair to empower himself, and Broadway Force (Wonder what song him and Karthus are gonna play...). Plus, when someone he's fighting dies, he can enslave their soul and have it fight their former allies.
Eternum Nocturne - Cutting through space time, making the opponents see their worst fear magnified ten times over or just straight up driving them insane, blinding the opponent, nullifying and absorbing attacks, partial intangibility, life-force sapping attacks, and flight. And the blades are part of his body so they count.
Zilea - All sorts of time hax; Speeding up, slowing down, and stopping time, amplifying allies by speeding up just their time, resurrecting himself and allies by reversing their time, and even altering the very concept of time to an extent.
Star Guardian Soraka - She doesnt have a key yet but basically she just gets the ability to fly (Technically she gets a hell of a lot stronger too but that doesnt really matter in a stat-equalized match). Healing and durability amping, enemy healing reduction, power nullifying, and the ability to bind the life force of someone to a physical object, and if that object is destroyed they die as well.