Alright then.
In an SBA situation, Zonda would typically create copies of The Seven and have them fight her enemy, before then having them fight a copy of herself before finally letting them fight her true self, also creating an illusionary area that they need to go through. So just add everyone
here but probably buffed to 7-A to this debate.
While Vandalieu could theoretically get the blood from the copies of The Seven, he wouldn't really get any sustinance from them since they don't really exist, being tangible illusions.
So then, Vandalieu needs to get past the entirity of The Seven and can't heal from them or get undead minions. No AZ resistance also means one hit from
Tenjia will kill them. While life detection means Vandalieu will know The Seven arn't alive and even normal humans can tell something is off when in Zonda's illusions, there isn't much they can do about it.
While Vandalieu does have his own summons, Tenjian alone can probably handle most of them, since he can create durability negating effects in a large area. The Bees in particular are similar to someone
Zonda's already probably familiar with from her time in Sumeragi. There's probably something I'm missing, however, and I'm not going to read the entire profile for every little detail.
TL;DR: I vote that the Adept Child beats the Dhampir Child