Ouranos wasn't killed during the war though, we see him get punched and that's it, he doesn't break into pieces like some of the others, and people seem to forget that Gaia and Ouranos sired Cronos and that was after the War with the Primordials so he couldn't have died, and the timeline was released in conjuncture with the game to further show that Cronos beat his father, and again how could Ouranos be Cronos's father if he died before he and Gaia created Cronos, he couldn't have died. Also, Nxy is in the GoW verse and is literally the same as her myth counterpart as confirmed by a GoW writer, yet Helios is strong enough to banish her, as said in the opening of one of the Ascension multiplayers maps, and yes the lore of the multiplayer is canon as well, so that is canon, and he isn't even close to as strong as Zeus, Posidon, and Hades. I can see why it is considered an outlier though, because in game there is nothing to truly indicate their strength level, similar to how strong the magic is, or how fast certain characters as, like Zeus throing the bolt to Egypt in an instant, described as if he was shooing away a fly, or Posidons rage atomizing people in the novel, but it isn't that strong in game, in game makes them look weaker than they really are.