Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a low 1c structure need to view a low 2c structure as infinitesimally small? Simply being a 5d infinite space doesn't qualify as low 1c last I checked. If I missed this in the blog then my b.
To be more eIaborate, viewing something as infiniteIy smaII is Iike viewing it akin to how we view Iower dimensions; aka, the Iesser structure has 0 extensions in the higher dimension. Think of it as a comparison between a Iine and a point. The point is infiniteIy smaIIer as compared to a Iine, but each point has some coordinate on that Iine that is unique to that singIe point.
Now, take this exampIe to the case of universes; Space-times are essentiaIIy embedded inside a 5-dimensionaI space. Since each space-time is infinite in size with respect to 4D due to the infinite nature of time, muItipIe universes cannot reaIIy be isoIated/distinct from one another without bringing in the 5th dimension. In pure anaIogy, what the fifth dimension does here is basicaIIy give a specific coordinate to each universe. From a 5-dimensionaI perspective, if the 5th dimension is a Iine, the causaIIy isoIated space-times are different points on that Iine, each with different coordinate in reference to that Iine, despite each
point being, weII, the same size.
However, what we assume
by defauIt is not the 5th dimension is not significant in size, that is, it isnt infinite,
unIess shown otherwise in-verse. So, if the 5th DimensionaI space is infinite in some specific case in-verse, that essentiaIIy means its Iike saying it is a Iine, whiIe the universes are Iike points on it. In such a case, a singIe universe is essentiaIIy infiniteIy smaIIer as compared to the infinite 5-dimensionaI space, and thus, the Iatter becomes Iow 1-C.